GitHub Repository
This Terraform module creates a GitHub repository with opinions on the development workflow, which are described below.
The default branch is protected. Pull requests that target the default branch must be up-to-date before merging. A pull request's reviews are dismissed each time a new commit is pushed.
Merge commits are the only allowed form of merge; squash merges and rebase merges are both disallowed. The merge commit title and message are set to the corresponding pull request title and body, respectively.
Zero or more environments may be specified with accompanying GitHub Actions secrets and variables. Only protected branches that match the environment's deployment policy may deploy to the environment.
Repository issues are turned off.
The repository wiki is turned off.
module "example_repo" {
source = ""
name = "example"
description = "This repo was created with the tf-gh-repo module"
gitignore_template = "Go"
topics = [
admin_collaborators = ["mcevoypeter"]
environments = {
"testing" = {
deployment_policy = { branch_pattern = "main" },
secrets = [
name = "SOME_SECRET",
plaintext_value = "SOME_SECRET_VALUE",
variables = [
gha_access_level = "user"
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.