A RabbitMQ queue abstraction with retries. Uses Apache Pekko AMQP Connector. Use this library to send typed messages to a queue and receive typed responses from them.
If a message fails it is retried a maximum of 3 times. For each retry the original message is nack'd and a new message
sent containing a header x-retry
with the number of retries. After the final retry the message is nack'd and the error logged.
Messages sent to a Queue
are persisted by default but can be changed to false
when creating a queue.
val queue = Queue[Message, Message](queueName, durable, consumerName, persistent = false)
A queue has "business logic" associated with it that is run when a client subscribes to a queue and receives a message. The business logic returns a Success
or Failure
In the example here the message is a simple string and the response also a string. The M
type of the queue must implement the io.mdcatapult.klein.queue.Envelope
trait so that we can get
the json representation of the message when we send it. You need to override the toJsonString
method in your Envelope
subclass and return whatever is appropriate.
object Message {
implicit val msgFormatter: Format[Message] = Json.format[Message]
case class Message(message: String) extends Envelope {
override def toJsonString(): String = {
val queueName = "a-queue"
val queue = Queue[Message, String](name="a-queue", durable=true, consumerName=None, persistent=true)
val businessLogic: CommittableReadResult => Future[(CommittableReadResult, Try[Message])] = { committableReadResult =>
// do something and send result back
Future((committableReadResult, Success("It worked")))
queue.send("Do something for me")
// this will trigger the business logic to be run
The CommitableReadResult
in the response contains the original message which will be acked or nacked as appropriate.
A queue is created with the type of message it can receive and the response it returns from the business logic. In this example the client expects a
to be received and the business logic would return a PrefetchResult
Queue[PrefetchMessage, PrefechResult]
See the integration tests for some examples.
There are various config options that are used when creating a queue. These can be overridden on the command line via environment variables:
- QUEUE_MAX_RETRIES - max number of retries to attempt (default: 3)
- RABBITMQ_HOST - RabbitMQ host name (default: localhost)
- RABBITMQ_VHOST - RabbitMQ virtual host (default: doclib)
- RABBITMQ_USERNAME - RabbitMQ username (default: doclib)
- RABBITMQ_PASSWORD - RabbitMQ username (default: doclib)
- RABBITMQ_PORT - RabbitMQ API port (default: 5672)
docker-compose up -d
sbt clean it/test
Version 1.9 and below use op-rabbit. Versions greater than 1.9 and 2.x use [Alpakka]((https://doc.akka.io/docs/alpakka/current/amqp.html). Versions 3 and above use Apache Pekko.
Make sure your .sbt/.credentials
file has the correct values eg
realm=GitLab Packages Registry
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2 license, which can be found in the repository as LICENSE.txt