Single page web application made for Olympics Games 2021. Full project description can be read here.
You can add organizers, national team leaders and delegates.
The organizer can accept sports that can be played at Olympic Games. He can create competition and also accept teams and individual players to participate in the competition. World records in athletics can also be shown to the organizer.
The national team leader can add players for his representation. He can also create national teams for group sports and discipline. A list of all national players can be shown to the national team leader.
The delegate can add dates and times for every match or race in a particular competition, and also can write the particular results down. He also finishes the competitions and rewards players or representations with appropriate medals.
A list of all players, with the possibility of search by name, sport, discipline, nationality and whether he won the medal or not, can be listed to all users. Medals statistics can be shown to all users by table or by graphs. The number of players with the appropriate flags for all countries that take part in the Olympic Games Tokyo 2021 can also be shown to all users.