AWS SDK Javascript Extensions This library provides extensions to AWS SDK Javascript to provide ease of use for certain functionality like:
- SQS Message Handling
This library is intended to be used on server side.
- Node (6.3+)
nvm install; nvm use;
Here are additional requirements for development:
- gulp-cli
npm install gulp-cli
To install latest development version run:
npm install --save
To install latest release version run:
npm install --save
This is WIP. At the moment you can have a look at following examples for usage:
The extensions library also provides scripts to be used from standalone.
You can install the library globally to use these utility scripts
npm install -g
In order to use the scripts ensure that following environment variables are set:
This CLI utility allows you to encrypt / decrypt messages using KMS.
In order to encrypt JSON payload , use command:
encrypt --region=us-west-2 --key='alias/example' '{"testKey1": "test value 1", "testKey2": "test value 2"}'
This command will print the encrypted JSON payload.
In order to decrypt encrypted JSON payload , use command:
encrypt --region=us-west-2 --key='alias/example' -d '{"data": "<encrypted-data-base64-format>", "key": "<encrypted-key-hex-format>"}'
This project uses gitflow for release.
Currently these tests are not in an ideal state, hopefully they will be updated later.
To execute the functional tests you will need elasticmq running on http://localhost:9324
Then run:
gulp test:functional