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nodemgclient - Node.js Memgraph Client

nodemgclient a Node.js binding for mgclient used to interact with Memgraph.


As usual the package could be downloaded from npm by executing:

npm install @memgraph/client

At the moment only Linux shared library is shipped inside the package. For any other operating system or incompatible library version, please proceed with building from source as explained below.

Once the package is properly installed, you can run a simple example:

const memgraph = require('@memgraph/client');

(async () => {
  try {
    const connection = await memgraph.Connect({
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 7687,
    await connection.ExecuteAndFetchAll("CREATE (:Graphs)-[:ARE]->(:Powerful);");
    console.log(await connection.ExecuteAndFetchAll(
      "MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN n, r, m;"));
  } catch (e) {

Build from Source

Below you can find instruction for Linux, MacOS and Windows. You'll know if the package was successfully build when there will be a file called nodemgclient/Release/nodemgclient.node, that's a shared library required to use the client. Once the library is in place you can pull it in your project just by running:

npm install <path-to-the-repo>

Build from Source on Linux

To install nodemgclient from source you will need:

  • OpenSSL >= 1.0.2
  • A CMake >= 3.10
  • A Clang compiler supporting C11 and C++17 standard
  • Node.js >= 12

First install the prerequisites:

  • On Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install -y npm nodejs cmake make gcc g++ clang libssl-dev
  • On RedHat/CentOS:
sudo yum install -y npm nodejs cmake3 make gcc gcc-c++ clang openssl-devel

Once prerequisites are in place, you can build nodemgclient by running:

npm ci
npm run build:release

To test (Docker is required) run:

npm run test

Build from Source on Windows

Build on Windows using Visual Studio

Since cmake-js is used, compiling for Windows is very similar to compiling for Linux:

npm ci
npm run build:release

If installing OpenSSL package from, make sure to use the full one because of the header files.

NOTE: Compilation does NOT work yet under MinGW.

Build from Source on MacOS

To build on MacOS it's required to install the openssl package, e.g.:

brew install openssl

Once the package is in place, please set the OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR environment variable:

export OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="$(brew --prefix openssl)"

Once OpenSSL is in place, please run:

npm ci
npm run build:release

NOTE: For more adventurous folks, since cmake-js is used, it's also possible to set the OpenSSL path via the following commend:

npx cmake-js compile --CDOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="$(brew --prefix openssl)"

Implementation and Interface Notes

Temporal Types

Suitable JS type to store Memgrpah temporal types don't exist. In particular, it's impossible to convert mg_duration and mg_local_time to the Date type. Since the temporal specification is not yet widely supported, the decision was to expose plain JS objects (dict) with the exact fields mgclient is providing (for more details, please take a look under mgclient header and source files). In addition, when possible (mg_date and mg_local_date_time), are converted into objects which have date property, which in fact, is the JS Date representation of these types. Keep in mind the loss of precision because JS Date time fields can only store up to milliseconds precision. However, Memgraph supports microsecond precision for the local time and therefore any use of the date property (JS Date object) can potentially cause loss of information.

Module exposes create functions, e.g. createMgDate, which simplify creation of temporal object interpretable by Memgraph. For more details take a look under the API docs under index.js file.