Exports hadoop metrics via HTTP for Prometheus consumption.
How to build
go mod tidy
make build
or build individual exporter
make build-namenode
make build-resourcemanager
make build-journalnode
make build-datanode
Help on flags of namenode_exporter:
-krb5.keytab.path string
Kerberos keytab file path
-krb5.principal string
Principal (admin@EXAMPLE.COM)
-namenode.jmx.url string
Hadoop JMX URL. (default "http://nn01.example.com:50070/jmx")
-web.listen-address string
Address on which to expose metrics and web interface. (default ":9070")
-web.telemetry-path string
Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
Help on flags of datanode_exporter:
-datanode.jmx.url string
Hadoop JMX URL. (default "http://localhost:50075/jmx")
-web.listen-address string
Address on which to expose metrics and web interface. (default ":9070")
-web.telemetry-path string
Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
Help on flags of resourcemanager_exporter:
-resourcemanager.url string
Hadoop ResourceManager URL. (default "http://localhost:8088")
-web.listen-address string
Address on which to expose metrics and web interface. (default ":9088")
-web.telemetry-path string
Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
Help on flags of journalnode_exporter:
-journalnodeJmxUrl.url string
Hadoop ResourceManager URL. (default "http://localhost:8088")
-web.listen-address string
Address on which to expose metrics and web interface. (default ":9088")
-web.telemetry-path string
Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
- 将同一指标的不同维度放到标签里面,降低基数
- 指标定义:
<hadoop service>_<component>_<jmx beans modelerType>_<metrics>
比如:BlocksTotal 对应的 prometheus 指标hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_blocks_total
hadoop service: hdfs
component: namenode
jmx beans modelerType: FSNamesystem -> fsname_system
metrics: BlocksTotal -> blocks_total - prometheus 指标全部是小写字母,使用
下划线分隔 - 如果指标有单位,尽量带单位,比如 count,millisecond,bytes
Jmx Metric | Prometheus Metric | Description | Chinese Description |
MissingBlocks | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_missing_blocks | Current number of missing blocks | |
UnderReplicatedBlocks | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_under_replicated_blocks | Current number of blocks under replicated | |
CapacityTotal | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_capacity_bytes{mode="Total"} | Current raw capacity of DataNodes in bytes | |
CapacityUsed | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_capacity_bytes{mode="Used"} | Current used capacity across all DataNodes in bytes | |
CapacityRemaining | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_capacity_bytes{mode="Remaining"} | Current remaining capacity in bytes | |
CapacityUsedNonDFS | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_capacity_bytes{mode="UsedNonDFS"} | Current space used by DataNodes for non DFS purposes in bytes | |
BlocksTotal | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_blocks_total | Current number of allocated blocks in the system | |
FilesTotal | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_files_total | Current number of files and directories | |
CorruptBlocks | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_corrupt_blocks | Current number of blocks with corrupt replicas | |
ExcessBlocks | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_excess_blocks | Current number of excess blocks | |
StaleDataNodes | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_stale_datanodes | Current number of DataNodes marked stale due to delayed heartbeat | |
tag.HAState | hdfs_namenode_fsname_system_hastate | (HA-only) Current state of the NameNode: initializing or active or standby or stopping state |
Jmx Metric | Prometheus Metric | Description | Chinese Description |
GcCountParNew | hdfs_namenode_jvm_metrics_gc_count{type="ParNew"} | ParNew GC count | |
GcCountConcurrentMarkSweep | hdfs_namenode_jvm_metrics_gc_count{type="ConcurrentMarkSweep"} | ConcurrentMarkSweep GC count | |
GcTimeMillisParNew | hdfs_namenode_jvm_metrics_gc_time_milliseconds{type="ParNew"} | ParNew GC time in milliseconds | |
GcTimeMillisConcurrentMarkSweep | hdfs_namenode_jvm_metrics_gc_time_milliseconds{type="ConcurrentMarkSweep"} | ConcurrentMarkSweep GC time in milliseconds |
Jmx Metric | Prometheus Metric | Description | Chinese Description |
HeapMemoryUsage{committed} | hdfs_namenode_memory_heap_memory_usage_bytes{mode="committed"} | ||
HeapMemoryUsage{init} | hdfs_namenode_memory_heap_memory_usage_bytes{mode="init"} | ||
HeapMemoryUsage{max} | hdfs_namenode_memory_heap_memory_usage_bytes{mode="max"} | ||
HeapMemoryUsage{used} | hdfs_namenode_memory_heap_memory_usage_bytes{mode="used"} |
Jmx Metric | Prometheus Metric | Description | Chinese Description |
LastHATransitionTime | hdfs_namenode_namenode_status_last_ha_transition_time |
Jmx Metric | Prometheus Metric | Description | Chinese Description |
ReceivedBytes | hdfs_namenode_rpc_activity_received_bytes | Total number of received bytes | |
SentBytes | hdfs_namenode_rpc_activity_sent_bytes | Total number of sent bytes | |
RpcQueueTimeNumOps | hdfs_namenode_rpc_activity_call_count{method="QueueTime"} | Total number of RPC calls | |
RpcQueueTimeAvgTime | hdfs_namenode_rpc_activity_avg_time_milliseconds{method="RpcQueueTime"} | Average queue time in milliseconds | |
RpcProcessingTimeAvgTime | hdfs_namenode_rpc_activity_avg_time_milliseconds{method="RpcProcessingTime"} | Average Processing time in milliseconds | |
NumOpenConnections | hdfs_namenode_rpc_activity_open_connections_count | Current number of open connections | |
CallQueueLength | hdfs_namenode_rpc_activity_call_queue_length | Current length of the call queue |
golang 1.20