CLI for blazing speed package development
Easily create typescript packages and enjoy the extreme speed from esbuild with a workflow heavily inspired (copied) from TSDX
⚠Warning: this package is currently WIP and not ready for production use yet⚠
- Bundles code using esbuild and outputs ESM modules
- Works with react out of the box
- Comes with vite playground for react packages to test it or create a demo
- Jest test runner setup with
npm init esdx mylib
cd mylib
yarn start
That's it. You don't need to worry about setting up TypeScript or Rollup or Jest or other plumbing. Just start editing src/index.ts and go!
Below is a list of commands you will probably find useful:
npm start
Runs the project in development/watch mode. Your project will be rebuilt upon changes.
npm build
Bundles the package to the dist folder.
npm test
Runs your tests using Jest.
Bundles and packages to the dist folder. Runs automatically when you run either npm publish
. The prepare script will run the equivalent of npm run build
. It will also be run if your module is installed as a git dependency (ie: "mymodule": "github:myuser/mymodule#some-branch") so it can be depended on without checking the transpiled code into git.