This Next.js boilerplate 2022 allows you to kick off your new project with all necessary tools for building a large-scale client-side web app.
We use eslint along with airbnb js style guide and prettier to help you write succident and beautiful code!
In modern World of javascript, Typescript becomes a must, since it allows you to build typesafe js applications with less efforts, making them more reliable!
With jest and React Testing Library, you are allowed to build unit-tests in a smooth way!
Lint Staged is a tool that allows us to only play with the changes added to "staging" status in git, this is helpful when you only want to test to style-check the chagnes that have been pushed in staging.
Worrying about commiting shit code by accident ? Husky is right here for you, with it you can easily create git hooks, e.g: Building a "pre-commit" hook.
i18n, A.K.A Internationalization and localization, is a "must-to-implement" feature in your application when you want to target customers in different languages.
In this repository, we use next-i18next that helps implement i18n in next.js!
Tired of using opinioated "UI libraries" or build-from-scratch "styled components"? Let's try TailwindCSS which provides a bunch of tiny but helpful "utility classes", allowing a blanced way of styling your elements!
Loose-coupling is always a goal we want to achieve in software development, with Redux, you can keep your data flow out of box but still make your data accessible by your components.
With the helps of next-redux-wrapper and redux toolkit, we can smoothly integrate redux to our next.js without sacrificing readability and flexibility!
yarn dev
Run this command to build bundles.
yarn build
yarn start
yarn test:watch
yarn lint
Please make .husky/pre-commit executable
chmod +x .husky/pre-commit
Coming soon, maybe.
Not yet decided which tool to go with Cypress of Playwright?.