Program to turn a dimmer light to a certain percentage, flip a light switch on/off using Alexa, Raspberry Pi, and the ESP8266 through the MQTT protocol.
- is the python script that used Flask and Flask-Ask libraries to process Alexa intents. It will send servo angle values to the ESP8266 by publishing them to the MQTT server.
- MQTT_MultipleTopics.ino is an Arduino programm that is to be flashed on a ESp8266 chip. This will control the servos which will turn on/off lights
- AlexaInteractionModel_MyDevices.json is the model I used for my Alexa app in the Amazon Developer Console.
- I used ngrok to make my program live.
Change the MQTT_SERVER, ssid, and password variables from MQTT_MultipleTopics.ino
- Go to ngrok path and type:
./ngrok http 5000
- Add the https .io URL (example: as an endpoint in the Alexa Development Console
- In a seperate terminal, run the python script
- Upload the MQTT programm to the ESP8266
- "Alexa, tell my devices to turn {OnOff}" -> LightOnOffIntent
- "Alexa, tell my devices to dimmer {maxMinUpDown}" -> DimmerDirectionIntent
- "Alexa, tell my devices to turn dimmer {Angle} degrees -> DimmerAngleIntent
mosquitto_sub -v -t "/devices/light"
mosquitto_pub -t "/devices/light" -m '1' //or '0'
mosquitto_sub -v -t "/devices/dimmer"
mosquitto_pub -t "/devices/dimmer" -m '__some_angle__'
Plan to re-write this application using Javascript and built a web app using Node, Express, and React