docker network create mongo-network
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password --name mongodb --net mongo-network mongo
docker run -d -p 8081:8081 -e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME=admin -e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINPASSWORD=password --net mongo-network --name mongo-express -e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER=mongodb mongo-express
NOTE: Creating docker-network in optional. You can start both containers in a default network. In this case, just emit --net
flag in docker run
cd app
npm install
node server.js
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up
cd app
npm install
node server.js
docker build -t hoangviet2001/demo-app:latest .
docker push hoangviet2001/demo-app:latest
The dot "." at the end of the command denotes location of the Dockerfile.
minikube start
minikube status
kubectl apply -f mongo-config.yaml
kubectl apply -f mongo-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f mongo.yaml
kubectl apply -f webapp.yaml
Check basic information of each component in K8s
kubectl get node kubectl get pod kubectl get svc kubectl get all
Check extended information of each component in K8s
kubectl get pod -o wide kubectl get node -o wide
Check details of a specific component in K8s
kubectl describe svc {svc-name} kubectl describe pod {pod-name}
Check the logs for a container in a pod.
kubectl logs {pod-name}
minikube stop
minikube delete --all
⚠️ Known issue - Minikube IP not accessible
If you can't access the NodePort service webapp with MinikubeIP:NodePort
, execute the following command:
minikube service webapp-service
- webapp image on Docker Hub:
- mongo image on Docker Hub: