Ultimate Single Page Application project template For ASP.NET MVC based on Burke Holland (Telerik) awesome Kendo UI SPA (VS 2013) project template.
- RequireJS module loader for truly modular JavaScript development and html chunking.
- Built-in RequireJS optimizer for optimized single file releases.
- KendoUI library for client routing, view binding, template processing and cool fx.
- Bootstrap for modern and easy mobile-first responsive layout.
- 16 free Bootstrap themes.
- pub-sub event mechanism.
- CDN with local fallbacks.
- Font Awesome for awesome icons.
- RequireJS Optimizer configured and built in project (Build Events). Requires node.js to be installed.
- Optimized single js build file with option for inline or cache busting.
- Release configuration uses CDN with local fallback for jQuery, Bootstrap and RequireJS
- pubsub and debug libs switched to RequireJS via config for consistency.
- Added 16 free Bootstrap themes from http://bootswatch.com/
- Upgrade to MVC5.1
- Fixed some broken file references