Sprint 190
AzureIoTEdge (V2)
add in ability to lock simulator version (#14995 ) (2021-07-14)
AzureStaticWebApp (V0)
Update Deploy Azure Static Web App to mount Build Sources directory in docker (#14807 ) (2021-07-20)
CopyFiles (V2)
Add retry for individual files in CopyFilesV2 task (#15035 ) (2021-07-16)
DeleteFiles (V1)
[DeleteFilesV1] bump azure-pipelines-task-lib version (#15061 ) (2021-07-21)
DownloadBuildArtifacts (V0)
[DownloadBuildArtifactsV0] Add clean up logic of destination folder (#15025 ) (2021-07-12)
JenkinsDownloadArtifacts (V1)
[JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1] Bumped azure-storage and decompress-zip (#15007 ) (2021-07-13)
Maven (V3)
[MavenV3] Added new jdk versions (12, 13, 14) (#15021 ) (2021-07-14)
Revert [MavenV3] Added new jdk versions (12, 13, 14) (#15021 ) (#15073 ) (2021-07-23)
PowerShell (V2)
[PowershellV2] Fix powershell execution script to fail on wrong targettype (#15026 ) (2021-07-14)
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