3 commits
to releases/m223.20230606
since this release
Sprint 223
AppCenterDistribute (V1)
fix qs dep volnurability (#18445 ) (2023-06-06)
AppCenterDistribute (V3)
fix vm2 dep (#18443 ) (2023-06-06)
AppCenterTest (V1)
fix vm2 dep (#18443 ) (2023-06-06)
AzureAppServiceManage (V0)
MSAL - Cumulative Version Update 230525 (#18356 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)
MSAL - Cumulative Version Update 230525 (#18356 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureCLI (V1)
Add support for WIF in addSpnToEnvironment (#18411 ) (2023-06-02)
AzureCLI (V2)
Add support for WIF in addSpnToEnvironment (#18411 ) (2023-06-02)
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment (V1)
[Common] Update localization [05/17/23] (#18307 ) (2023-05-18)
Fixed az module init order (#18358 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment (V2)
[Common] Update localization [05/17/23] (#18307 ) (2023-05-18)
Fixed az module init order (#18358 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureContainerApps (V0)
Update localization [05/17/23] (#18306 ) (2023-05-18)
AzureContainerApps (V1)
Update localization [05/17/23] (#18306 ) (2023-05-18)
[AzureContainerAppsV1] Fix encoding changes (#18324 ) (2023-05-19)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
[Common] Update localization [05/17/23] (#18307 ) (2023-05-18)
Fixed az module init order (#18358 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
[Common] Update localization [05/17/23] (#18307 ) (2023-05-18)
Fixed az module init order (#18358 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
[Common] Update localization [05/17/23] (#18307 ) (2023-05-18)
Fixed az module init order (#18358 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureFileCopy (V5)
[Common] Update localization [05/17/23] (#18307 ) (2023-05-18)
Fixed az module init order (#18358 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureFunctionAppContainer (V1)
Kudu based tasks: WIF support (#18273 ) (2023-05-23)
Update localization [05/29/23] (#18395 ) (2023-05-30)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
Restored WorkloadIdentityFederation support (#18270 ) (2023-05-22)
Moved validateZipDeploy to AzureFunctionApp tasks code (#18337 ) (2023-05-23)
AzureFunctionApp (V2)
Restored WorkloadIdentityFederation support (#18270 ) (2023-05-22)
Moved validateZipDeploy to AzureFunctionApp tasks code (#18337 ) (2023-05-23)
AzureFunctionOnKubernetes (V1)
MSAL - Cumulative Version Update 230525 (#18356 ) (2023-05-25)
Added WIF support to AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV1 (#18399 ) (2023-05-29)
AzureKeyVault (V1)
MSAL - Cumulative Version Update 230525 (#18356 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureKeyVault (V2)
MSAL - Cumulative Version Update 230525 (#18356 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureMonitorAlerts (V0)
Remove AzureMonitorAlertsV0 as its no longer supported and deprecated (#18311 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureMysqlDeployment (V1)
MSAL - Cumulative Version Update 230525 (#18356 ) (2023-05-25)
Updated task tests for new version of arm-rest-v2 lib (#18414 ) (2023-06-01)
AzurePowerShell (V2)
[Common] Update localization [05/17/23] (#18307 ) (2023-05-18)
Fixed az module init order (#18358 ) (2023-05-25)
AzurePowerShell (V3)
[Common] Update localization [05/17/23] (#18307 ) (2023-05-18)
Fixed az module init order (#18358 ) (2023-05-25)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
[Common] Update localization [05/17/23] (#18307 ) (2023-05-18)
Fixed az module init order (#18358 ) (2023-05-25)
AzurePowerShell (V5)
[Common] Update localization [05/17/23] (#18307 ) (2023-05-18)
Fixed az module init order (#18358 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
MSAL - Cumulative Version Update 230525 (#18356 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
DTS Task 2023781: DTS [Pipelines Agents Tasks UI]: The api-version '2… (#18333 ) (2023-05-23)
MSAL - Cumulative Version Update 230525 (#18356 ) (2023-05-25)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
Revert AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4 4.223..0 to f5d5c22 (4.221.103) #18361 (#18377 ) (2023-05-26)
MSAL - AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4 - arm-rest-v2 updated (#18391 ) (2023-05-29)
CG fix for AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4 (#18402 ) (2023-06-01)
Library update for connection reset fix (#18437 ) (2023-06-06)
AzureSpringCloud (V0)
fix qs dep volnurability (#18445 ) (2023-06-06)
AzureWebAppContainer (V1)
Kudu based tasks: WIF support (#18273 ) (2023-05-23)
AzureWebApp (V1)
CG fix for AzureWebAppV1 (#18342 ) (2023-05-23)
Bash (V3)
bash - check if translate directory path failed (#17768 ) (2023-05-30)
[BashV3] WI 2048209 (#18134 ) (2023-05-18)
[BashV3] reverse feature flags default (#18323 ) (2023-05-19)
CargoAuthenticate (V0)
Fix CargoAuthenticate for registries containing more than one dash (#18421 ) (2023-06-01)
DownloadBuildArtifacts (V0)
[DownloadBuildArtifactsV0] and [PublishBuildArtifactsV1] - workaround for '+' symbol issue under FF (#18109 ) (2023-05-17)
DownloadGitHubNugetPackage (V1)
Update DownloadGitHubNugetPackageV1 to Node16 using BuildConfigGen (#18396 ) (2023-05-30)
DownloadPackage (V0)
-Removing Node16 for DownloadPackageV0 task (#18340 ) (2023-05-22)
Gradle (V2)
Gradle (V3)
HelmDeploy (V0)
Added WIF support to HelmDeployV0 (#18398 ) (2023-05-29)
HelmInstaller (V0)
Vulnerabilities Fix for HelmInstallerV0 (#18379 ) (2023-06-05)
HelmInstaller (V1)
Vulnerabilities Fix for HelmInstallerV1 (#18378 ) (2023-06-06)
KubernetesManifest (V1)
[KubernetesManifestV1] Add input param that allows usage of the cluster admin credentials (#18308 ) (2023-05-22)
Update localization [05/29/23] (#18395 ) (2023-05-30)
Added WIF support to KubernetesManifestV1 (#18397 ) (2023-05-29)
Kubernetes (V1)
Vulnerabilities Fix for KubernetsV1 (#18367 ) (2023-06-05)
MSAL - KubernetesV1 upgrade (#18410 ) (2023-05-31)
Maven (V2)
Maven (V3)
Maven (V4)
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V1)
Update localization [05/17/23] (#18306 ) (2023-05-18)
NodeTaskRunnerInstaller (V0)
Update localization [05/17/23] (#18306 ) (2023-05-18)
NuGetCommand (V2)
Users/abpowell/icm390743653 master (#18326 ) (2023-05-20)
NuGetRestore (V1)
removed unused dependency (#18423 ) (2023-06-02)
NuGet (V0)
Users/abpowell/icm390743653 master (#18326 ) (2023-05-20)
PublishBuildArtifacts (V1)
[DownloadBuildArtifactsV0] and [PublishBuildArtifactsV1] - workaround for '+' symbol issue under FF (#18109 ) (2023-05-17)
Provide option to limit artifact size in PublishBuildArtifactsV1 (#18293 ) (2023-05-29)
Bump task version PublishBuildArtifactsV1 (#18390 ) (2023-05-29)
PublishSymbols (V2)
Update PublishSymbolsV2 task to allow customizing the symbol request name (#18317 ) (2023-05-25)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
Fixed az module init order (#18358 ) (2023-05-25)
TwineAuthenticate (V0)
TwineAuthenticateV0 CG Removed Unused Dependency (#18427 ) (2023-06-05)
You can’t perform that action at this time.