Presented in CHEP 2023
Mikael Mieskolainen
HyperTrack is a new hybrid algorithm for deep learned clustering based on a learned graph constructor called Voxel-Dynamics, Graph Neural Networks and Transformers. For more details, see the paper and the conference talk.
This repository together with pre-trained torch models downloaded from Hugging Face can be used to reproduce the paper results on the charged particle track reconstruction problem.
The technical API and instructions at:
Install the framework, process TrackML dataset files, download the pre-trained models from Hugging Face and follow the documentation for inference.
If you use this in your work or find ideas interesting, please cite:
author = "Mikael Mieskolainen",
title = "HyperTrack: Neural Combinatorics for High Energy Physics",
booktitle = "CHEP 2023, 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics",
year = "2023"