pyty is the fullest-featured typewriter noise emulator available on the Linux operating system. Bask in its glory! Admittedly it is a simple program, but it needed to be done!
Why did I write a typewriter emulator for a computer? Because I was inspired by Theodore Watson's OS X program, NoisyTyper, and by the fact that no suitable alternative existed for Linux.
pyty was written on/for Ubuntu Linux, but it should work for any Unix-based operating system, provided it is running X and has the correct dependencies installed.
What are the dependencies, you might ask? Here they are:
- python3-xlib -- a Python library to interface with X
- mpg123 -- a command-line based mp3 player
On Ubuntu, these dependencies can be installed by running the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install python3-xlib mpg123
Starting pyty couldn't be easier. Just open up a command prompt and type:
$ python3 /path/to/ &
Or simply:
$ /path/to/ &
To run this script on login, add the command to Startup Applications (in Ubuntu) or the equivalent for your distribution.
You're good to go!
I certainly didn't write this without inspiration, and if my program inspires you, all the better! Feel free to fork, modify, and/or pull request. Or, of you're not that outgoing, at least open an issue if you'd like a feature added or find something wrong with the program. I love collaborating with people, so bring it on!