Write data to the database and search for a password by email on this database. MongoDB is used as a database. The script connects to the localhost:27017 database and, if necessary, creates a database and a collection named pySearchPassDB.
Search for passwords by email.
python pySearchPassDB.py -s example@example.com
python pySearchPassDB.py --search example@example.com
Add fields to the database from files. The lines in the file must be in the format email:password. Specifies the path to the folder where these files are with passwords. All files and subdirectories are parsed.
python pySearchPassDB.py -a "path/to/dir"
python pySearchPassDB.py --add "path/to/dir"
Show count fileds of db.
python pySearchPassDB.py -c
python pySearchPassDB.py --count
Clear all db fields.
python pySearchPassDB.py --clear
There can be different separators in the lists. These delimiters can be changed in the script itself in the tuple PATTERN_SPLIT. The default is 2 delimiters (":" and ";").