Nodejs module for extracting web page content using Cheerio.
This module is based on luin's readability project.
npm install ascrape
var scrape = require('ascrape');
scrape(html [, options], callback);
- html url or html code.
- options is an optional options object
- callback is the callback to run - callback(error, article, meta)
var scrape = require('ascrape');
scrape('', function(err, article, meta) {
// Main Article
// Title
// Article HTML Source Code
NB If the page has been marked with charset other than utf-8, it will be converted automatically. Charsets such as GBK, GB2312 is also supported.
ascrape will pass the options to request directly. See request lib to view all available options.
ascrape has one additional option:
- preprocess - which should be a function to check or modify downloaded source before passing it to ascrape.
scrape(url, {
preprocess: function(source, response, contentType, callback) {
if (source.length > maxBodySize) {
return callback(new Error('too big'));
callback(null, source);
}, function(err, article, response) {
content - The article content of the web page. Return false if failed. Is a Cheerio object.
title - The article title of the web page. It's may not same to the text in the
tag. -
excerpt - The article description from any description, og:description or twitter:description
MIT License