x11-ttf-fonts - version 0.0.1
Shell scripts to install a few mono-spaced True Type fonts for older X11 applications.
This is the initial release for testing.
Usage for direct installation from the Repository:
To link local TTF files:
curl -fsSL https://github.com/mittelmark/x11-ttf-fonts/releases/latest/download/x11-ttf-fonts-install | sh
To install the Ubuntu Mono font:
curl -fsSL https://github.com/mittelmark/x11-ttf-fonts/releases/latest/download/x11-ttf-fonts-ubuntu | sh
There after check your available fonts using xfontsel for instance like this:
xfontsel -pattern "*-r-*-m-*" -scaled
Alternatively you can as well download the install script manually check them locally and then run them.