This resource pack sets the actionbar postion to the top right, the sidebar to the left, and title on the bottom.
Add the Side Action Add-on to your resource packs on your world.
This example uses the scoreboard objective Money
After creating an objective, type the following into a command
block and set it to Repeating, Unconditional, Always Active.
Make sure to place the command block in a ticking area.
titleraw @a actionbar {"rawtext":[{"text":"Money: "}, {"score":{"name":"*", "objective":"Money"}}]}
titleraw @a title {"rawtext":[{"text":"Money: "}, {"score":{"name":"*", "objective":"Money"}}]}
- Zhea Evyline \ Bedrock Commands Community Discord
- coddy2009 \ Bedrock Add-ons Discord
_ _ _ _ _
(_) _ _ | | (_) | | |
____ _ _| |_ _| |_ _____ ____ ___| |_____ _____| | |
| \| (_ _|_ _) ___ | _ \ /___)_____ (____ | | |
| | | | | | |_ | |_| ____| | | |___ | | / ___ | | |
|_|_|_|_| \__) \__)_____)_| |_(___/ |_\_____|\_)_)