- Hello World -> Very First Program.
- Variables -> Integers, Floats, Strings.
- List -> Used to store multiple items in a single variable.
- Dictionary -> A changeable, unordered collection of unique key:value pairs.
- Tuple -> Collection which is ordered and unchangeable used to group together related data.
- Set -> A Set in Python programming is an unordered, un-indexed collection data type that is iterable, mutable and has no duplicate elements.
- Input -> Taking input from user.
- Output -> Showing result/Print output.
- Section (if, elif, else) -> A block of code that will execute if it's condition is true.
- Function -> A block of code which is executed only when it is called.
- Loops (for, while) -> A statement will execute its block of code.
- Controls -> Change a loops execution from its normal sequence.
- Modules -> A module can contain executable statements as well as function definitions.
- Type Casting -> Convert the data type of value to another data.
- String Slicing -> Create a substring by extracting elements from another string.
- Logical Operators (and, or, not) -> "and, or" used to check if two or more conditional statements.
- Index Operators [] -> Gives access to a sequence's element (str, list, tuples)
- Return statement -> Functions send Python values/objects back to the caller.
- String format -> Optional method that gives users more control when displaying output.
- Exception -> Events detected during execution that interrupt the flow of program.
- GUI windows
- Labels
- Buttons
- Entry box
- Checkbox
- Radio buttons
- Sliding scale
- Listbox
- Messagebox
- Colorchooser
- Text area
- Open a file
- Save a file
- Menubar
- Frames
- New window
- Window tabs
- Grid
- Progress bar
- Canvas
- Keyboard events
- Mouse events
- Drag and drop
- Move image
- Move image on canvas
- Animation
- Multi animation
- Simple clock
- OOP basics
- Inheritance
- Method overriding
- Method chaining
- Super
- Abstract classes
- Objects as arguments
- Duck typing
- Walrus operator
- Functions to variable
- Higher order function
- Lambda function
- Sort
- Map
- Filter
- Reduce
- List comprehension
- Dictionary comprehension
- Zip
- Threading
- Daemon threads
- Multiprocessing
- Send an email
- Count down
- Pseudo random
- Rock paper scissor
- Quiz game
- Basic calculator
- Basic text editor
- Tic Tac Toe game
- Simple Snake game