This application is designed to give you more visibility into metrics that matter to larger companies using Pivotal Tracker for project management. It's also designed visually to be an "information radiator" in the center of your office.
- See the progress of the current iteration in all your projects on one page.
- Look at the status of cross-project epics (correlated by label name)
- Look at the status of cross-project releases (correlated by name)
- Easy setup page that helps you set up your tracker credentials and basic authentication
rvm install 1.9.3 # or install ruby 1.9.x some other way
git clone
bundle install
rake db:create db:migrate
rails server
open http://localhost:3000
This app is designed to be deployed easily with CloudFoundry and Heroku. You can also run it yourself using a standard ruby application system like Passenger or Unicorn. A database is required, but all the standard rails ones (sqlite3 mysql and postgres) are supported.
git clone
cf push
git clone
heroku apps:create <name_here>
git push heroku master
For automatic updating, you can enable auto updating in the web UI (which occasionally blocks web threads to do updates before returning), or figure out how to schedule running the following task as often as you want:
bundle exec rake load
This will fetch new data from the tracker API and put it in the relational database. If you deploy on heroku, you can use the following addon to schedule tasks:
heroku addons:add scheduler
heroku addons:open scheduler
Written by Luis Flores, David Stevenson, Ben Marini, and Sanford Redlich. Please fork this application and enhance it to fit your needs.