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Mongo Orchestration

See the wiki for documentation.

Mongo Orchestration is an HTTP server that provides a REST API for creating and managing MongoDB configurations on a single host.



  • Start and stop mongod servers, replica sets, and sharded clusters on the host running mongo-orchestration.
  • Add and remove replica set members.
  • Add and remove shards and mongos routers.
  • Reset replica sets and clusters to restart all members that were stopped.
  • Freeze secondary members of replica sets.
  • Retrieve information about MongoDB resources.
  • Interaction all through REST interface.
  • Launch simple local servers using mongo-launch CLI tool.



The easiest way to install Mongo Orchestration is with pip:

pip install mongo-orchestration

You can also install the development version of Mongo Orchestration manually:

git clone
cd mongo-orchestration
pip install .

Cloning the repository this way will also give you access to the tests for Mongo Orchestration as well as the mo script. Note that you may have to run the above commands with sudo, depending on where you're installing Mongo Orchestration and what privileges you have. Installation will place a mongo-orchestration script on your path.


mongo-orchestration [-h] [-f CONFIG] [-e ENV] [--no-fork] [-b BIND IP="localhost"] [-p PORT]
                    [-s {auto,cheroot,wsgiref}] [--socket-timeout-ms MILLIS]
                    [--pidfile PIDFILE] [--enable-majority-read-concern] {start,stop,restart}


  • -h - show help
  • -f, --config - path to config file
  • -e, --env - default release to use, as specified in the config file
  • --no-fork - run server in foreground
  • -b, --bind - host on which Mongo Orchestration and subordinate mongo processes should listen for requests. Defaults to "localhost".
  • -s, --server - HTTP backend to use: one of auto, cheroot, or wsgiref. auto configures bottle to automatically choose an available backend.
  • -p - port number (8889 by default)
  • --socket-timeout-ms - socket timeout when connecting to MongoDB servers
  • --pidfile - location where mongo-orchestration should place its pid file
  • --enable-majority-read-concern - enable "majority" read concern on server versions that support it.
  • start/stop/restart: start, stop, or restart the server, respectively

In addition, Mongo Orchestration can be influenced by the following environment variables:

  • MONGO_ORCHESTRATION_HOME - informs the server where to find the "configurations" directory for presets as well as where to put the log and pid files.
  • MONGO_ORCHESTRATION_TMP - the temporary folder root location.
  • MO_HOST - the server host (localhost by default)
  • MO_PORT - the server port (8889 by default)
  • MONGO_ORCHESTRATION_CLIENT_CERT - set the client certificate file to be used by mongo-orchestration.


mongo-orchestration start

Starts Mongo Orchestration as service on port 8889.

mongo-orchestration stop

Stop the server.

mongo-orchestration -f mongo-orchestration.config -e 30-release -p 8888 --no-fork start

Starts Mongo Orchestration on port 8888 using 30-release defined in mongo-orchestration.config. Stops with Ctrl+C.

If you have installed mongo-orchestration but you're still getting command not found: mongo-orchestration this means that the script was installed to a directory that is not on your PATH. As an alternative use:

python -m mongo_orchestration.server start

Configuration File

Mongo Orchestration may be given a JSON configuration file with the --config option specifying where to find MongoDB binaries. See mongo-orchestration.config for an example. When no configuration file is provided, Mongo Orchestration uses whatever binaries are on the user's PATH.

Predefined Configurations

Mongo Orchestration has a set of predefined configurations that can be used to start, restart, or stop MongoDB processes. You can use a tool like curl to send these files directly to the Mongo Orchestration server, or use the mo script in the scripts directory (in the repository only). Some examples:

  • Start a single node without SSL or auth:

    mo configurations/servers/clean.json start
  • Get the status of a single node without SSL or auth:

    mo configurations/servers/clean.json status
  • Stop a single node without SSL or auth:

    mo configurations/servers/clean.json stop
  • Start a replica set with ssl and auth:

    mo configurations/replica_sets/ssl_auth.json start
  • Use curl to create a basic sharded cluster with the id "myCluster":

    curl -XPUT http://localhost:8889/v1/sharded_clusters/myCluster \

Note that in order to run the mo script, you need to be in the same directory as "configurations".

Helpful hint: You can prettify JSON responses from the server by piping the response into python -m json.tool, e.g.:

$ curl http://localhost:8889/v1/servers/myServer | python -m json.tool

    "id": "myServer",
    "mongodb_uri": "mongodb://localhost:1025",
    "orchestration": "servers",
    "procInfo": {
        "alive": true,
        "name": "mongod",
        "optfile": "/var/folders/v9/spc2j6cx3db71l/T/mongo-KHUACD",
        "params": {
            "dbpath": "/var/folders/v9/spc2j6cx3db71l/T/mongo-vAgYaQ",
            "ipv6": true,
            "journal": true,
            "logappend": true,
            "oplogSize": 100,
            "port": 1025
        "pid": 51320
    // etc.

Mongo Launch

The mongo-launch CLI tool allows you to spin up servers locally with minimal configuration.

mongo-launch --help Usage: [single|replica|shard] [ssl] [auth]
mongo-orchestration start mongo-launch replica ssl auth


In order to run the tests, you should first clone the repository.

Run all tests

python -m unittest

Run a test module

python -m unittest tests.test_servers

Run a single test case

python -m unittest tests.test_servers.ServerSSLTestCase

Run a single test method

python -m unittest tests.test_servers.ServerSSLTestCase.test_ssl_auth

Run a single test example for debugging with verbose and immediate stdout output

python -m unittest -v tests.test_servers.ServerSSLTestCase


Changes in Version 0.11.0 (2024-12-30)

  • Allow server daemon to be run as a library in addition to as a cli.
  • Add support for MONGO_ORCHESTRATION_CLIENT_CERT environment variable to set the client certificate file to be used by mongo-orchestration.

Changes in Version 0.10.0 (2024-11-21)

  • Add support for requireApiVersion for standalone clusters and replica sets.
  • Drop support for Python 3.8 and add support for Python 3.13.

Changes in Version 0.9.0 (2043-09-04)

  • Fix handling of enableMajorityReadConcern.
  • Remove 'journal' options for newer mongod (>=6.1).
  • Switch to Hatch build backend.

Changes in Version 0.8.0 (2023-05-16)

  • Add mongo-launch CLI tool.
  • Upgrade to PyMongo 4.x and set up GitHub Actions testing.
  • Remove support for managing MongoDB 3.4 or earlier servers.
  • Remove support for Python 3.5 or earlier.
  • Replaced dependency on CherryPy with cheroot. -s auto is the new default and -s cherrypy is no longer supported.
  • Remove transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds default.

Changes in Version 0.7.0 (2021-04-06)

  • Remove support for managing MongoDB 2.4 servers.
  • Add support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.
  • Add support for MongoDB 4.2 and 4.4.
  • Upgrade from pymongo 3.5.1 to 3.X latest. (#284).
  • Ensure createUser succeeds on all replica set members. (#282)
  • Create admin user with both SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-1. (#281)
  • Wait for mongo-orchestration server to fully terminate in "stop". (#276)
  • Allow starting clusters with enableTestCommands=0. (#269)
  • Decrease transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds on 4.2+ by default. (#267)
  • Increase maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis by default. (#270)
  • Reduce periodicNoopIntervalSecs for faster driver change stream testing. (#283)
  • Enable ztsd compression by default on 4.2+ (#263)

Changes in Version 0.6.12 (2018-12-14)

  • Allow running the mongo-orchestration server over IPv6 localhost. (#237)
  • Increase default mongodb server logging verbosity. (#255)
  • Fixed a bug when shutting down clusters where mongo-orchestration would hang forever if the server had already exited. (#253)