A collection of (currently very quick & dirty) extension-methods to convert images between different library formats.
Currently it covers images of:
- SkiaSharp (https://github.com/mono/SkiaSharp)
- EMGU.CV (https://github.com/emgucv/emgucv)
- Magick.NET (https://github.com/dlemstra/Magick.NET)
- ImageSharp (https://sixlabors.com/products/imagesharp/)
- ImageFlow dotNet (https://github.com/imazen/imageflow-dotnet)
- Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage
- System.Windows.Media.Imaging
- System.Drawing
Most conversion use a intermediate step over a System.Drawing.Image. My goal ist to get rid of all these unnecessary steps and make direct conversions if possible.
Some of the supported conversions:
SkiaSharp.SKImage <-> ImageMagick.IMagickImage
SkiaSharp.SKImage <-> Emgu.CV.Image
SkiaSharp.SKImage -> System.Drawing.Bitmap (with option to specify pixelformat)
SkiaSharp.SKBitmap <-> ImageMagick.IMagickImage
SkiaSharp.SKBitmap <-> Emgu.CV.Image
SkiaSharp.SKBitmap -> System.Drawing.Bitmap (with option to specify pixelformat)
System.Drawing.Icon -> SkiaSharp.SKImage
More extensions are about to come.
I have no intentions to publish this as a nuget package or something like that. The best way to use it, is probably to just copy and paste the parts you really need into your own project.
All conversions that start with ToXXXX() (e.g. ToSKImage()) are meant to create a new copy of the image. Conversions starting with AsXXXX() do not create a new copy.
Any kinf of contribution is highly welcomed and appreciated!
Do whatever you want with it!