Because translating a thought to direct assembly code can be challenging, following a strict set of rules can make the process less error prone.
1. Express the solution to the coding problem as you would in C language. The C language has direct parallels to assembly instructions which is discussed in the rest of this document.
It may help by separating as many steps of your C code as possible. For example, see the following:
arrA[0] = arr[10];
// instead do \/
A = arrA[0];
arr[10] = A;
Most of the time this type of translation will be easier to understand if you take the second route over the first.
2. Assign $sX registers for all int or char type variables you see. Try not to reuse registers as doing so may lead to confusion and errors.
If you need to store more than the 4 bytes that a MIPS register holds (e.g. for arrays or strings) you will need to place a pointer address to memory in the register. Address can be in the .data section or be dynamical given via sysbrk
or via the stack frame (using $sp
). This document doesn't go into detail about this rather, it assumes you know this some basic structure to hold data.
3. Write your assembly in a MIPS editor. Using the C pseudo code and this design guide!
Note: it is best practice that almost every instruction line of Assembly has a comment
. This way debugging is easier and it slows you down to think about what each line does! Further, every function should have a signature comment. Doing this will make navigating your code possible to others!
The key to translating if-then-else
and looping control flow is understanding the need to use Inverse Logic. The reasons we need to apply inverse logic to our conditionals from C to Assembly is because assembly instructions are executed linearly in order. Therefore, we want to see if we need to skip a section of our code (the body of the if
or loop statement) otherwise execute the next instruction(s). When the statement in our condition is false we do not execute the next line(s) we either jump to the next condition or exit the control flow statement. This may sound confusing, but with practice and looking through the provided example(s) it should become clear why it is necessary.
Using the knowledge of Inverse Logic(#important-note-inverse-logic) we are ready to start with our first design pattern, if-then-else
control flow!
Key Observance: A nuanced feature that we will have to consider in translation with the C
is that once anif
is taken the other branches do not get considered, we either just go to the code at the end of theif
statement or we returned within theif
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
if( a == b ) \\ condition
{ \\ then if condition is true
a = a + 1;
} else \\ else if all conditions are false
b = a;
} \\ end of if statement
- Map high level variables to assembly registers.
# Mapping
## a => $s0
## b => $s2
- Write the structure of the conditional with labels. Include any jumping to end the if-statement.
conditional: # if-condition
then: # start of the then logic
j end_if # jump unconditionally to the end (only one if statement can be taken)
else: # else condition and logic
# here we could put j end_if but that would be redundant as the next line is just that!
end_if: # the end of the if statement logic your other code goes after this
j end_if
? Think about how an Assembly program runs -- linearly! Here we do not want the else block to be executed if anif
condition is already taken.
- Fill in logic for the conditional. Remember inverse logic.
conditional: bne $s0, $s2, else # if $s0 <a> != $s1 <b> jump to else
then: # this will be the next line if branch above not true
j end_if
- Add other computation to the
and initialize registers.
li $s0, 10 # $s0 <a> = 10
li $s1, 20 # $s1 <b> = 20
conditional: bne $s0, $s2, else # if $s0 <a> != $s1 <b> jump to else
addi $s0, $s0, 1 # $s0 = $s0 + 1
j end_if
move $s1, $s0 # $s1 = $s0 (copies over value)
end_if: # any other code
This is nothing more than an extension of the steps for the if-then-else
basic example above.
if( a == b ) \\ condition1
{ \\ then if condition1 is true
a = a + 1;
} else if ( a > b) \\ !!!NEW!!! condition2 !!!NEW!!!
{ \\ then if condition2 is true and condition1 was not
b = a + 1;
else \\ else if all conditions are false
b = a;
} \\ end of if statement
Here is the structure with the extra condition as shown in the extended C example. The bodies of the if
statements are omitted for clarity. The changes we made are:
- Change the jumping logic for the first
branch so we jump to the second (else-if) branch if the firstif
branch is not executed. - Add the logic for the second
branch in a similar fashion we did to the firstif
conditional1: # if-condition
bne $s0, $s2, conditional2 # if $s0 <a> != $s1 <b> jump to conditional2, inverse logic of == ## NEW LOGIC!!!
then1: # start of the then logic
# body (omitted)
j end_if # jump unconditionally to the end (only one if statement can be taken)
conditional2: # here we need two lines for inverse logic as !(a > b) == (a <= b) == ((a == b) || (a < b))
beq $s0, $s1, else # if $s0 == $s1 then jump to else (note this is redundant but here for clarity of design)
blt $s0, $s1, else # if $s0 < $s1 then jump to else
# body (omitted)
j end_if # jump unconditionally to the end (only one if statement can be taken)
else: # else condition
# body (omitted)
# here we could put j end_if but that would be redundant as the next line is just that!
end_if: # the end of the if statement logic your other code goes after this
Big Idea: See how this can be extended for any amount of
s. The conditional section always points to the next else-if or else (at the last else if) and before any conditional we must have aj end_if
to exit theif
if a condition was taken as only one if condition can be taken in anif
statement in C.
The easiest loop to translate from C to Assembly is the classic do while
loop. This is the easiest as we execute the loop at least once and then evaluate the logic.
int i = 0; // initialize counter
do { // executed the body *at least* once
i = i + 1; // body of the loop
} while( i < 10 ); // conditional
... // end of loop
- Map high level variables to assembly registers.
# Mapping
## i => $s0
- Write labels forming the outline of the loop. Note the four parts of a loop: Initialize, Body, Condition, End.
init: # initialize variables such as a counter
do_loop: # address where the loop begins
# body
condition: # where the loop condition will go
endloop: # address where the end of the loop
- Fill in the incrimination steps and condition logic. Initialize any counting variables.
init: li $s0, 0 # $s0 = 0, init counter
addi $s0, $s0, 1 # $s0 = $s0 + 1 incrimination
condition: blt $s0, 10, do_loop # if $s0 <i> < 10 then jump to do_loop label
- Fill in the rest of the
do loop
. This basic example doesn't have interesting task inside loop. Our finished version looks like the following.
init: li $s0, 0 #$s0 = 0
... # here is where any other loop tasks will be executed.
addi $s0, $s0, 1 # $s0 = $s0 + 1
condition: blt $s0, 10, do_loop # if $s0 <i> < 10 then jump to do_loop label
Note: Even though the endloop and init labels are not used it is best to keep it as it is a reference to the end of the loop and initialization of data. This is useful for a human reading your code.
loops are a bit tricky as they require inverse logic. A while
loop is like a do while
except they first evaluate the condition not always first executing.
Note: this example first translates a C
loop to awhile loop
and then translates that to the Assembly
int i = 0; // counter
while(i < 10) // condition
{ // body
i = i + 1;
... // end of loop
- Map high level variables to assembly registers.
# Mapping
## i => $s0
- Write labels and the unconditional jump to the condition forming the outline of the loop. Note the four parts of a loop: Initialize, Body, Condition, End.
init: # initialize variables such as a counter
while_cond: # condition
# body
j while_cond # jump back to conditional
end_loop: # end of the loop
j while_cond
? Think about how an Assembly program runs -- linearly! So we must unconditional jump back to the condition to keep our loop structure! If we did not have the jump our program would go through the loop once, that doesn't sound much like a loop!
- Fill in the incrimination steps and condition logic. Initialize any counting registers. Note the inverse logic for the conditional!
init: li $s0, 0 # $s0 = 0, init counter
bgt $s0, 9, end_loop # if $s0 > 9 then jump to end_loop
# *NOTE* !(i < 10) == (i >= 10) === (i > 9) for integers
addi $s0, $s0, 1 # $s0 = $s0 + 1 incrimination
j while_cond # jump back to conditional
end_loop: # end of the loop
If you are confused with inverse logic see conditionals section.
- Fill in the rest of the
loop. This basic example doesn't have interesting task inside loop. Our finished version looks like the following.
init: li $s0, 0 #$s0 = 0
bgt $s0, 9, end_loop # if $s0 > 9 then jump to end_loop
... # here other code for loop can go if we had any
addi $s0, $s0, 1 #$s0 = $s0 + 1
j while_cond # jump back to conditional
end_loop: # end of the loop
Note: As before with
do while
Even though the init label is not used it is best to keep it as it is a reference to initialize part of the loop and make it more readable to a human.
A for
loop is nothing more than an abstracted while. Therefore, it is best just to translate your for
loop to a while
loop and then follow the procedure for the while
loop. Through looking at the following example this should become clear.
for ( init; condition; increment )
{ \\ body
} \\ end of loop
It is a simple matter of shifting to translate a for
loop to a while
- Change
. - Place
on the outside of the loop. This belongs here as it is executed first and only once. condition
stays within the statement of thewhile
.- Place
at the end of the loop before the closing brace}
. - Follow the steps to translate
loops to Assembly.
init \\ such as int i = 0;
while (condition) \\ such as i < 10;
{ \\ body
increment \\ such as i = i + 1;
} \\end of loop
Written by Mark Hunter -- Updated: February 2018