This is the agent-based implementation of the model described in Smaldino & Turner (2020) "Covert signaling is an adaptive communication strategy in diverse populations".
The code is in several parts: the model, experiments using the model, analyses of experimental output, a command-line interface (CLI) for running experiments and analyses, and unit tests. Furthermore, in the root directory of the repo there is the cl_scripts
directory that contains bash scripts that automate the submission of several jobs (experiments) at once. If your HPC cluster uses Slurm for scheduling these scripts may run as long as the necessary directories exist and have been modified as needed for your file system (please see the scripts in cl_scripts
for more information on that).
Below are some notes on how to set up the code locally. For more information, please see function signatures, unit tests, and inline documentation, or open an issue to ask a question. Thanks!
Clone this repository and change into its directory. Start a virtualenv
and run the pip install
command given below, which will enable
the command-line scripts.
All together,
git clone
cd identity-signaling
virtualenv venv
pip install --editable .
Running unit tests is a good way to check all is well and to get started running or editing the code. To do this, as well as display how much of the model code base is covered by the unit tests, run the following command:
pytest --cov-report term --cov=id_signaling.model test/
It should print the following report, with some other surrounding information
test/ ............ [100%]
---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.7.6-final-0 -----------
Name Stmts Miss Cover
id_signaling/ 232 11 95%
Each dot indicates one test that passed and the printout shows 95% of the code pass one unit test or another. Of course the tests may be flawed, but these can be easily inspected for correctness in relatioship to the formal model presented in the paper.
Then submit a disliking/homophily experiment where disliking and homophily are
both varied over three values: 0.0, 0.25, and 0.5, using matlab-ish notation
with 40 iterations and 4 trials per parameter combination; save the file to
, and set some other parameters (run subexp --help
details). To see the job submission script run subexp
as a dry run using the -d
at the end of the command. We submit the script with all these options like so
subexp disliking 0.0:0.51:0.25 0.0:0.51:0.25 40 4 disliking.csv -R0.5 -n400 -qstd.q -t01:00:00 -d
This prints out the job submission script
#! /bin/bash
#SBATCH -p std.q
#SBATCH -J disliking
#SBATCH -o disliking.out
#SBATCH -e disliking.err
#SBATCH -n 400
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00
printf "******************\nStarting disliking at `uptime`\n"
runexp disliking 0.0:0.51:0.25 0.0:0.51:0.25 4 40 \
disliking.csv -R0.5 -mNone
printf "******************\nFinished at `uptime`"
This will be submitted to the cluster using the squeue
command when the
flag is not passed to subexp
. -d indicates "development".
Below is more on each experiment and code examples showing how to run them.
The output dataframes can be used in the plot_evolution
, heatmap
, and,
for the minority experiments, minority_diff_heatmap
imported from
. There are a number of
keyword arguments that must be specified to do
plotting for each experiment. Examples are given below.
In this experiment we vary the receptivity of covert signaling. This determines what fraction of the population receives covert signals. There is also a receptivity of overt signals; the ratio of covert signal to overt signal receptivities is the parameter used in the original 2018 paper.
To run n_trials
of the covert signaling experiment where each trial is run
to n_iter
for a given covert receptivity r
and homophily w
r = 0.05; w = 0.25
trials_df = trials_receptivity_homophily(r, w, n_iter=400, n_trials=100)
The resulting pandas dataframe has columns
['homophily', 'prop_churlish', 'prop_covert', 'receptivity', 'timestep',
Use it with plotting functions like so
plot_evolution(trials_df, experiment='receptivity', figsize=(7, 4.5))
heatmap(trials_df, experiment='receptivity')
Here we vary the disliking penalty, which we set equal to the double-dislike penalty.
from id_signaling.experiment import trials_dislikepen_homophily
d = 0.05; w = 0.25
trials_df = trials_dislikepen_homophily(d, w, n_iter=400, n_trials=100)
Output has columns
['dislike', 'homophily', 'prop_churlish', 'prop_covert',
'timestep', 'trial_idx']
In the notebooks I'm still using older .csv's that had disliking_penalty
instead of dislike
for a column name, so there is the line
df_r = df.rename(columns={'dislike_penalty': 'disliking'})
With this change for old data, or without for new data generated as shown above, one then can run
plot_evolution(trials_df, experiment='disliking')
heatmap(df_r, experiment='disliking')
For this experiment we have only looked at how disliking influence the
differential evolution of covert signaling and churlish receiving in
minority and majority populations. We can also use
in place of trials_dislikepen_homophily
trials_df = trials_dislikepen_homophily(exp_param_val, homophily, minority_trait_frac,
experiment=experiment, n_trials=n_trials,
n_iter=n_iter, R=R)
Now using the correct flags, plot_evolution
and heatmap
can be similarly
called on trials_df
. In addition to these, the difference between majority
and minority covert signaling and churlish receiving in first and second
lines below, respectively.
trials_df, savefig_path='reports/Figures/covert_signalers_diff.pdf'
trials_df, strategy='receiving', vmin=-0.2, vmax=0.3,
For our experiments we are only setting K odd, and setting M=K - (K+1)/2
This occurs when a in the Model class constructor on initialization:
class Model:
def __init__(self, ...):
if n_minmaj_traits is None:
n_minmaj_traits = K - ((K+1) // 2)
self.n_minmaj_traits = n_minmaj_traits
Doing this makes it so majority/minority agents only need to have one additional
trait in common with their majority/minority cohort in order to be similar
to them. In order for majority/minority agents to be similar to their outgroup,
they must have all K - (K-1/2)
non-assigned traits in common. The chance of
this happening is 1/2^((K-1)/2)
, and
for the scripts currently running on the
cluster. These need to be incorporated into a single CLIck API.
I also plan to put a job script creator/submitter in the CLI as well. This would
create a job script on the fly, submit the job with a certain parameter set
given by a command like --homophily=0.0:1.01:0.025
, which would set
five homophily parameters, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0. These values are used in
a call to np.arange
which is why the max is set to 1.01 to pick up the 1.0
Eventually I want a script that creates the required directory structure, but
it will take some work to compile them all together. For now, I have to
look at the different sub_*.sh
files that make the proper series of
calls to the Python CLI that run the desired experiments, and based on the
file names used create the directory structure that will accommodate
the file names. Because the file name is used by the cluster to write .out
and .err files to, if an error has been made the cluster script will fail
Example: see
which requires a directory
structure created by the following commands:
mkdir -p output_data/tolerance_diversity/0.{1..9}/"K="{10,15,20}/
mkdir -p output_data/tolerance_diversity/1.0/"K="{10,15,20}/
To spread a simulation across multiple runs, I wrote a number of scripts to
submit a number of jobs to the cluster that will run all parameter values and
the right number of trials per parameter value. For example, here are the
main contents of sub_minority_K=9;
for i in {1..10}; do
subexp disliking 0.0:0.51:0.05 0.0:0.51:0.05 500 10 $fname.csv -R0.5 \
--n_minmaj_traits=4 -K9 -m0.10 \
-qfast.q -j$fname -n24 -t"04:00:00"
# -qstd.q -j$fname -n20 -t"04:00:00" --n_minmaj_traits=4 -K10
This writes all data to randomly-named files to the directory
. To create a single CSV, I have been running the
following commands, using an example randomly-generated file name. The first
line grabs the header and the second line takes all lines but the header from
each file and puts the data in full.csv.
$ head -n1 part-a917cc22-14e9-4716-8b66-8a610028ed3f.csv > full.csv
$ tail -q -n+2 part-*.csv >> full.csv
In the process of running these different parameters and creating different
part files, there may be problems. For instance, due to cluster issues
(all clusters have them sometimes!), I had some trials dropped from the
Minority/Tolerance experiments. Specifically, 7 different parameter settings
out of the 80 tested (K=3,9
, M=1,4
, S=0.1, 0.2, ..., 1.0
, and
rho_minor=0.1, 0.2
) failed. The seven are (3, 1, .3, 0.1), (3, 1, .4, 0.1),
(3, 1, .5, 0.1), (3, 1, .3, 0.2), (3, 1, .5, 0.2), (3, 1, .7, 0.2),
and (9, 4, .4, 0.2).
Here is how one could modify the lists of parameter values to only
contain the missing parameters. Note that in all minority experiments we are
setting M=K - (K+1)/2
(see above), so we do not inlcude explicit settings for M
Here is a script one could run to get only those missing parameter combinations:
# Submit missing trials for K=3, rho_minor=0.1.
for similarity_threshold in 0.3 0.4 0.5; do
subexp disliking 0.0:0.51:0.05 0.0:0.51:0.05 500 50 $fname.csv -R0.5 \
-qfast.q -j$fname -n24 -t"04:00:00" -m$minority_trait_frac \
-K$K -S$similarity_threshold
# Submit missing trials for K=3, rho_minor=0.2.
for similarity_threshold in 0.3 0.5 0.7; do
subexp disliking 0.0:0.51:0.05 0.0:0.51:0.05 500 50 $fname.csv -R0.5 \
-qfast.q -j$fname -n24 -t"04:00:00" -m$minority_trait_frac \
-K$K -S$similarity_threshold
# Only one failed for K=9 across both similarity thresholds; no need to loop.
subexp disliking 0.0:0.51:0.05 0.0:0.51:0.05 500 50 $fname.csv -R0.5 \
-qfast.q -j$fname -n24 -t"04:00:00" -m$minority_trait_frac \
-K$K -S$similarity_threshold