This repository contains the implementation of an approach to learning timed automata from timed traces via SMT solving. A Maven file facilitates executing the learning technique and reproducing the experiments discussed in the paper "Timed Automata Learning via SMT solving". The repository also contains reference data, including runtime measurement results and learned automata, presented in the paper.
Timed automata are formal models of real-time systems that produce timed traces. This kind of traces are sequences of input and output actions with real-valued delays between them. Our implemented approach formulates the learning problem as an SMT formula containing three types of constraints:
- Language inclusion/Acceptance of given timed traces
- Determinism constraints to avoid learning overly general models
- Bound constraints to learn models with a maximum number of locations and edges
We evaluate the approach by generating timed traces from known timed automata and trying to learn models that are consistent with the generated traces. While we treat the known automata as black boxes during learning (we only consider timed traces generated via simulation), using such known automata aids in the analysis of learning results. For instance, we compute metrics such as precision and recall, which requires knowledge of traces that should not be accepted. To ease reproducing our experiments we provide the timed-trace training data that we used.
This project has two main dependencies:
- JavaSMT via Maven
- Uppaal for trace generation to evaluate learned models
We use JavaSMT to work with different SMT solvers using a unified API. The Maven POM file in this repository contains Linux-specific dependencies for JavaSMT itself and all available backends. Thus, the setup on Linux generally just amounts to
- Installing Maven and
- Compiling the Maven project via
mvn compile
on the command line. This will download the required dependencies, including native binaries, and compile the project.
We developed and tested the project on Ubuntu Linux. For other operating systems, additional setup steps may be required, for instance, to download and install shared libraries. For a quick start, it may be simplest to start working with SMTInterpol (see below how to configure experiments), as it is a Java-based SMT solver without native dependencies. For more information, we refer to the JavaSMT repository.
We use a new version of the real-time model checker Uppaal to generate timed traces for evaluating learned timed automata models. To reproduce the experiments presented in the paper:
- Download the new version of Uppaal from this link.
- Extract the zip archive
- Specify the path to the unzipped Uppaal command line program
in the properties filepaths.prop
Additionally, download version 1.1 of the Document Type Definition (DTD) for Uppaal's XML files and move it into the directory containing the randomly generated timed automaton. That is,
- Download the DTD file from this link
- Move it into the directory
After compiling the project using Maven, experiments can be performed with the help of Maven, where we use the Exec Maven Plugin. For this purpose, issue
mvn exec:exec
on the command line. This will read an experiment configuration
from the Java-properties file experiment-properties.prop
and start running the experiments. After producing console
output informing about the progress of learning, the learning
results, such as learning runtime will be placed in the
directory results
and learned models will be placed in
the directory learned_models
An experiment configuration consists of several parameter settings corresponding to the various learning parameters described in our paper "Timed Automata Learning via SMT solving". While the parameter names aim to be self-explanatory, we want to provide a brief overview of the required parameters and their admissible values.
: the type of model to be used for the experiment; see also Section 5.1 for a description of the experiment subjects. Admissible settings are:light, cas-alarm, cas-arming, train, random-3loc, random-4loc, random-5loc, random6-loc
: the number of traces to be used as training data. Admissible values are positive integer literals lower than or equal to 100 (100 traces have been precomputed for every experiment subject).maxNrLocations
: the maximum number of locations of a learned timed automation. Admissible values are positive integer literals.maxNrEdges
: the maximum number of edges of a learned timed automation. Admissible values are positive integer literals.edgesPerLocation
: the ratio between the number of edges and the number of locations in one learning iteration. This parameter corresponds to the variable "el" in Algorithm 1. Admissible values are positive integer literals.kUrgency
: the value of k for k-Urgency defined in the preliminaries. Admissible values are non-negative integer literals.maxGuardConstant
: the maximum value of constants appearing in guards and invariants of learned automata that are affected by trace constraints. Larger values may occur to basically denote there is no upper timing bound. Admissible values are positive integer literals.incremental
: set to true if incremental SMT solving shall be used. Admissible values are Boolean literals.bfsMode
: set to true if constraints shall be solved in a breadth-first manner. The setting is irrelevant ifincremental==false
. Admissible values are Boolean literals.discreteFirst
: set to true if discrete trace constraints shall be solved first before considering timing constraints. The setting is irrelevant ifincremental==false
. Admissible values are Boolean literals.solver
: the name of the SMT solver to be used. Admissible values areMATHSAT5, SMTINTERPOL, Z3, PRINCESS, BOOLECTOR, CVC4, YICES2
: the theory to be used for formulating constraints. See also Section 4 and 5 of the paper for a discussion of the theories. Note that not all theory-solver combinations can be used, as most solvers do not implement all theories. Admissible values are:Real
(real-valued encoding of delays),Integer
(discretized encoding of time using integers),BV
(discretized encoding of time using bitvectors),FP
(floating-point encoding of time -- not covered in the paper, as it is very inefficient)roundingFactor
: a factor with which all time values are multiplied to enable discretization, see also Section 4.1 (value "r"). If the theory of reals is used, this value must be set to 1. Otherwise, the model evaluation results will be wrong. Admissible values are positive integers.skipQualityEval
: set to true to avoid computing model quality metrics, like precision and recall. By setting this value to true, the Uppaal setup can be skipped. Admissible values are Boolean literals.
There are example configurations for experiments with all experiment subjects.
They are located in the subdirectories of reference_data/example_experiment_properties
and configured to use the SMT solver SMTInterpol with a real-valued encoding of
time. Note that some experiments may take a very long time to complete
(see Section 5), especially when solvers other than YICES2 and Z3 are used.
We provide reference data presented in our paper resulting from the experiments that we performed. The learned models in Graphviz dot-format are located in
and measurement data can be found in
If you want to configure experiments more freely, a good starting point
is the Java class Experiments
in the package graal.learning.smt.experiments
which contains static methods to set up experiments. To dig deeper into how
learning is implemented, the Java class TALearnerGeneric
in the package
may serve as a good starting point.
The implementation in this repository is currently a research prototype to
evaluate SMT-based learning of timed automata, so there is limited documentation.
However, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.