This projects helps to make Jdbc Connection to Hive in an kerberized environment using Keytab/Password and without creating jaas.conf and krb5.conf
The same class can be used to establish impala connection as well
Usage: class : com.hive.util.jdbc.DatabaseUtil
method : getHiveConnection
should be called to get Hive Connection with Kerberos
driver : Driver class to connect to Hive : org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
url : Url to connect to Hive : jdbc:hive2://<hive_server2>:10000/default;krb5_kdc=<kdc_admin_server>;principal=hive/<hive_server2>@<realm_name>;auth=kerberos;kerberosAuthType=fromSubject
username : Username to connect to Hive
password : Password or keytab file location to connect to Hive
isKeytabBased : true or false to whether password parameter is keytab or not