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Some helpful classes for html, sql and some useful tools for everyday php.


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Ary Array

Name Description
arrayToObject Convert an array to an object.
flop_vals Preserving the keys and flop the values in reverse order.
objectToArray Convert an object to an array.
Name Description
check_file Puts a number before the filename if it exists.
deleteDir Deletes a directory and its contents.
make_yr_directory Creates a directory structure based on the current year and month.
mk_dir_writable Creates a writable directory.
reArrayFiles Re-arranges files array for image uploads.
removeEmptySubfolders Removes empty subfolders.
tree Reads all files and folders in a directory.
zip Zips a directory or file.
Name Description
breadcrumb Generates a breadcrumb navigation.
browse Generates pagination links based on current page and total items.
pagination Generates a pagination HTML structure.
setUpLinks Sets up links from a comma-separated list of tags.
svg_img Generates an SVG image with a specified width, height, and text.
tagCloud Generates a tag cloud from an associative array of tags and their frequencies.
Name Description
get_large_img Get the large version of an image.
get_mime_type Get the MIME type of a file.
resize_image Resize an image using ImageMagick.
resize_uploaded_image Resize and upload an image.
set_im Set the ImageMagick command.
webpImage Convert an image to webp using GD.
Name Description
send Send an email.
Name Description
numberToWord Convert a number to its word representation.
sq Calculate the price per square foot.
Name Description
decimal Format a decimal number for USA currency.
format Format a value based on the specified format type.

Some functions are heavily influenced by Laravel's illuminate\support\Str Class

Name Description
camel Convert a value to camel case.
clean_url Clean a URL string.
e Clean a text string.
form_element_name Generate a form element name from a string.
fromBase64 Decode the given Base64 encoded string.
headline Convert various string formats to a capitalized headline.
kebab Convert a camelCase string to kebab-case.
lcfirst Make a string's first character lowercase.
length Return the length of the given string.
limit Limit the number of characters in a string.
lower Convert the given string to lower-case.
ltrim Remove all whitespace from the beginning of a string.
p Print a variable in a readable format.
parse_my_url Parse the current URL into an array of segments.
randomString Generate a random string.
removePound Remove pound signs and dashes from a string.
rtrim Remove all whitespace from the end of a string.
snake Convert a string to snake case.
studly Convert a value to studly caps case.
substr Returns the portion of the string specified by the start and length parameters.
swap Swap keywords in a string according to a mapping array.
title Convert the given string to proper case.
toBase64 Convert the given string to Base64 encoding.
trim Remove all whitespace from both ends of a string.
ucfirst Make a string's first character uppercase.
ucsplit Split a string into pieces by uppercase characters.
upper Convert the given string to upper-case.
wordWrap Wrap a string to a given number of characters using a specified line break.

Modified and updated to PHP 8 from (c) Rowan Manning

Name Description
__construct Class constructor.
__get get magic method.
__set set magic method.
__toString toString magic method.
getArray Get the red, green and blue values of the colour as an array.
getHex Get the HEX code that represents the colour.
hexToRgb Convert a HEX code into RGB.
mix Mix two colours together.
modify Modify the colour's red, green and blue values.
randomise Randomise red, green and blue values of the colour.
range Calculate and return a range of colours between a start and end colour.
rgbToHex Convert red, green and blue values to a HEX code.
set Set the colour's red, green and blue values // Sets the RGB values.
setHex Set the red, green and blue values of the colour with a HEX code.


Some helpful classes for html, sql and some useful tools for everyday php.







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