HugeTracker is IR marker detection project that can estimate pose of user head to make interactive space.
Header only project(well we needs some adjustment for it)
This library needs opencv.
Recommend to compile on working computer.
Strongly recommend to use gstream to reduce latency between rtsp stream and opencv.
#include "pch.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include "hugetracker.h"
int main()
std::string url = "rtspsrc location=rtsp://<ID>:<password>@ latency=30 ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! appsink";
//you can set your own video but when video ends, rotation and translation
//will not change
//std::string url = "filesrc location=${Location to mp4 file} ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! appsink";
auto t = huge::HugeTracker::GetInstance(url);
while (true)
//cpp17 standard: structural binding
auto[a, b] = t->get_transform(0);
std::cout << "x: " << a[0] << " y: " << a[1] << " z: " << a[2] << std::endl;
At that case, a is std::array<double, 3> that has transformation of marker, and b is std::array<double, 9> that has rotation matrix. Elements order is like this:
{a[0,0]. a[0,1], a[0,2], .... , a[2,1], a[2,2], a[2,3]}