A look at this physiological data kaggle from earlier this year.
This physiology data classification challenge poses the question, given this time series voltage data of pilots' respiration, electrocardiograms (ecg heart data), galvanic skin response (gsr), electroencephalography (eeg brain brain data) can something reliable be said about their physiological state? My response was to use this as an opportunity to learn about TensorFlow and LSTMs. I quickly discovered that data processing around time series data is 3 dimensional
as opposed to typical 2 dimensional
data. That means that the harmless 1.1 GiB
of training data can quickly multiply to roughly 256 GiB
if one is interested in using a 256 long
sequence window. That means I learned a lot more about numpy
for its simplicity around transforming 3 dimensional
data. I had to adapt to using h5py
chunks of data so as not to run out of memory quickly and not wait endless hours for training sessions to merely crash. As for TensorFlow and LSTMs, I did not realize right away but LSTMs (and likely neural nets in general) are quite sensitive to data that is not scaled and my logloss ended up reducing when I applied scaling techniques. Raw matplotlib
became more intuitive for helping to visualize not just the time series data itself, but also for plotting logloss
while training, across batches . . My Jupyter Notebook hygiene and workflow got better really quickly too, because I needed a reliable tool for distinguishing one day's experiment from another's without mixing the together the data or the models.
This dataset was highly skewed in terms of classes and so one of the really important preprocessing tasks was creating both balanced training "techniques" and balanced test data for more uniformly judging model performance. And I say "techniques", because I tried both balanced weights and balanced training sets. I ended up preferring balanced training datasets, because that meant less preprocessing code.
The picture of Kaggle data I had in my head was clean datasets, but this dataset had one huge problem in that the time series data was not actually sorted by, you know, time
. But in a way it is always fun to deal with messy data because it makes you more engaged with it and still more curious in the outcomes.
In general this project has given me a lot of fun memories.
One day after already getting deep into my LSTM approach, I decided to look through the Kaggle discussions for this project and I found that most people actually stuck to gradient boosting machines like lightGBM or XGBoost. But I decided to follow my personal motto of taking the path less traveled so I kept going with the LSTM .
I have spent I think half a year of weekends on this problem. I have memories of learning about neural network architecture learning "capacity" at my niece's birthday party. I came to understand that creating a larger network can cause it to memorize more as opposed to generalize .
I remember tweaking my stochastic gradient descent batch size after reading this Yann LeCun tweet , "Training with large minibatches is bad for your health. More importantly, it's bad for your test error. Friends dont let friends use minibatches larger than 32." .
I also have memories of starting modeling experiments before going on runs and before going to sleep, so that I could let TensorFlow spin its wheels while I took my mind into strategy mode or just let myself meditate.
At one point I was at the Boston Amtrak terminal waiting for my bus, getting deeper into why it is handy to look at raw logit data coming out of a model, especially in a multiclass problem because it can show how strongly a model classifies each class. But applying the logistic function or a softmax is of course good for sussing out probabilities. But then I realized I was waiting for a bus at an Amtrak terminal and I had to sprint several blocks to actually catch my bus!
At the end of the day I think of all of the amazing things I could one day do with this kind of technology, such as classifying music or building a chat bot (maybe even one that can tell jokes).
Also: my Low Level Recap
- Jupyter notebooks are to data science(s) what paper bound lab notebooks are to physical sciences (physics? chemistry?).
- Kaggle.com is a website where you can compete at solving data science problems with a model that has the lowest loss.
- LSTMs or Long Short Term Memory "networks" are a type of recurrent neural networks which are better with patterns which require more information from the past.
- matplotlib is a software package for plotting data.
- numpy is a software package for more easily performing linear algebra transformations and asking statistical questions of your data.
- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are neural networks which can learn "sequences" of data.
- TensorFlow is a software package which provides implementations of neural net algorithms for solving image classification, natural language and other similar problems which classical machine learning algorithms like logistic regression struggle with.
Test driving TensorBoard, which required a much different train loop that stores ouputs from the logits across the training epochs. Very cool.
Using h5py for data now and plotting my logloss per class .