We are excited to announce the release of Nanodrop API v0.1.0, a powerful and efficient solution for facilitating Nano cryptocurrency distribution. This release includes several key features and improvements that enhance the functionality and security of the Nanodrop service.
Key Features
Durable Object Integration: Durable Objects are used to enhance the reliability and scalability of the service through parallel execution and state caching.
Proxy Detection: The Nanodrop API has integrated a proxy and threats detection mechanism to enhance security by identifying and preventing abuse.
Ticket System: The Nanodrop API utilizes a ticket-based system for distributing Nano cryptocurrency. Users can request tickets that contain a specific amount of Nano, an expiration time, and an optional verification requirement. Tickets are a efficient way of pre-identifying proxies and threats before sending Nano.
Rate Limiting: Rate limiting is implemented to prevent excessive simultaneous requests from the same IP address.
Drop History: The API provides endpoints to retrieve drop history, including filtering by order and pagination.
Country Statistics: You can now obtain statistics on drops by country, offering insights into geographical usage.
Temporary Blacklists: Temporary blacklists for accounts and IP addresses ensure that limits are upheld.
Fork and Old Block Handling: The API now includes improved handling of forks and old blocks to ensure accurate and secure Nano transactions.
Enhanced Error Handling: The release includes improved error handling and detailed error messages for better user experience.
Admin Functions: Admins can trigger various actions such:
- Nano Wallet Sync
- Add or remove specific IP addresses from whitelist, enabling controlled access to the service for testing purposes
- Add or remove Nano addresses from whitelist for testing purposes
- List and receive receivable blocks through API