American Red Cross and Kevin Lustig
Install via NPM
npm install
Start mongo and postgres databases
Start the application
node server
Visit the application in your browser
If you used port 80, the URL should simply be the IP address or URL of the server where you're running the application
If you used any other port, specify the port along with the IP address/URL (or set up a Virtual Host as appropriate to redirect traffic to the correct port)
Log in with the default super user
Go to /users and create a new user
Very Important: Delete the default super user
You'll want to keep the application up and running on your server. There are multiple tools that will help you do this. We recommend PM2 or Forever.
Install PM2
sudo npm install pm2 -g
Start the App
From the directory where the Asset Manager is installed:
pm2 start server.js
Restart the Asset Manager with your server
To have the Asset Manager restart itself after a reboot, server downtime, etc., you can generate a startup script.
Check the PM2 documentation on this for more details.
All local resources for the default Asset Manager interface are in the "client" directory.
Most pages are templated using Handlebars in conjunction with Express from within the Node application. These templates can be found in the "views" directory.
Components of the interface that display data fetched via AJAX (right now, just the create/edit modals) are rendered via Handlebars in the browser. These templates can be found in the "client/js/views" directory.
A Handlebars helper displays the logos in the footer. It scrapes the "client/media/logos" directory for files and displays each as an image.
To modify these logos, simply add or remove files from that directory.