My config files for all of my NixOS machines
I use a basic `configuration.nix` and add all modules I need for every machine. The modules are splitted in `server` and `basic` modules. The `server` modules provide webservices and webserver and the `basic` modules can be used for both local machines and servers.
To add modules to the configuration.nix
just use basic nix imports:
imports = [
- tmux is a command line terminal multiplexer, comparable to screen or Terminator. tmux makes it possible to create and manage various virtual console sessions within a terminal or terminal emulation.
- nixvim is a NixOS module to configure the whole behavior of NeoVim within a nix-module. No extra configfiles or plugin are required.
- This module config the whole zsh
shell environment including Oh-my-ZSH
and theming.
- I sync my Obsidian Vault via Syncthing
to my iPhone.
- If you build keyboards and keyboard-layouts you will need a firmware. In my case it is mainly the QMK. This module activate all the needed options to use QMK
within NixOS.
- The whole Lazyvim config without any separate dotfile declared in nix.