Basic concept: Two programmers sit together and collaborate on writing code.
The focus of this workshop is to teach you how to program in pairs effectively.
- Start by cloning this repository into a folder on your computer. If you've never used git before, you can alternatively use the the "Download ZIP" button to the right.
- Although you have this
file on your computer it's easier to read it on GitHub, so we recommend you keep this page open with the exercise tasks.
This repository contains a set of exercises organized in folders. Each folder contains a
describing the exercise:
- Exercise 1 - Pomodoro-style pairing (start here)
- Exercise 2 - Test/method-style pairing - New pairs
- Exercise 3 - Code review
- Exercise 4 - Roman numerals
Exercise 1-3 is the main content in this workshop, while exercise 4 is an optional challange
✏️ - A task you should do
📖 - A section of text to read (no tasks, just information).
💡 - Additional information.
❗ - Something important.
❓ - Open-ended question for the reader ("What do you think would happen if...")
💩 - Bad practice (don't-do-this)
⭐ - A bonus task (not required)
Will look like this:
Emphasizes how lines of text should change.
- this text was removed
+ and replaced with this text