New Features:
Keras sparsification beta supporting pruning and examples with Keras Applications available.
Training and sparsification integrated with the rwightman/pytorch-image-models repository.
Training, sparsification, and deployment integrated with the ultralytics/yolov5 repository.
Integrations with the SparseZoo to run PyTorch and Keras code implemented with recipes directly from the zoo.
PyTorch sparse-quantized transfer learning notebook available.
Keras pruned ResNet models implemented.
Groups of modifiers enabled in SparseML recipes.
Examples directory renamed to integrations.
Resolved Issues:
GroupedPruningMaskCreator now able to save to PyTorch state dicts.
Quantization-aware training compatibility issues addressed with PyTorch.
Docs and readme corrections made for minor issues and broken links.
Makefile no longer deletes files for docs compilation and cleaning.
Known Issues:
You can’t perform that action at this time.