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Releases: neuralmagic/sparseml

SparseML v0.6.0

30 Jul 23:04
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New Features:


  • README updated for Hugging Face transformers integration based on the new implementation.
  • ONNX export in PyTorch now supports dictionary inputs.
  • Quantized graph export optimizations for YOLOv5.
  • PyTorch image classification integration updated to use new manager.modify(...) apis and saves recipes to runs folder.
  • DeepSparse YOLO links updated to point at new example location.
  • kwargs support added for ONNX export in PyTorch to enable dyanmic_axes and named inputs.

Resolved Issues:

  • torch 1.8 quantization export no longer folds incorrectly.
  • ONNX toposort issue addressed for nodes with more than two outputs.
  • Unused initializers removed in quantized ONNX graphs.

Known Issues:

  • None

SparseML v0.5.1 Patch Release

30 Jun 16:20
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This is a patch release for 0.5.0 that contains the following changes:

  • version updated for consistency to reflect DeepSparse repo hotfix.

SparseML v0.5.0

28 Jun 18:06
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New Features:

  • research folder added to root directory intended for research contributions.
  • First research contributions added for information retrieval.
  • Tutorial for sparsifying BERT on the SQuAD dataset created.
  • LayerPruningModifier and LearningRateFunctionModifier implementations added for PyTorch.


  • Hugging Face transformers integration reworked to match new integration standards.
  • CIFAR data augmentations updated for PyTorch datasets.
  • Pruning algorithms using a pruning scorer object for better extensibility refactored with new pruning methods.

Resolved Issues:

  • If the source URL is down, tests no longer fail for VOC dataset.
  • Because the DeepSparse API includes more information for kernel sparsify performance analysis, previously failing tests have been updated to correctly check and return the updated info.
  • Models with more than 1 input can now complete the PyTorch ONNX export process.
  • Edge cases and better defaults improved with the WoodFisher/M-FAC algorithm for better recovery.
  • Deprecated use of torch.nonzero API call in the pruning modifiers to .nonzero(as_tuple=False).

Known Issues:

  • None

SparseML v0.4.0

04 Jun 20:52
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New Features:

  • M-FAC/Woodfisher pruning algorithm alpha implemented.
  • Movement pruning algorithm alpha implemented.
  • Distillation code added for GLUE dataset in Hugging Face/transformers integration.
  • BERT quantization pipeline enabled for training and export to ONNX.


  • Readme redesigned for better clarity on the repository's purpose.
  • All examples, notebooks, and scripts moved under the integrations directory.
  • Integrations for ultralytics/yolov3, ultralytics/yolov5, pytorch, keras, tensorflow reworked to match new integrations standards for better ease of use.

Resolved Issues:

  • rwightman/timm integration bugs dealing with checkpoint paths and loading models addressed.
  • tensorflow-gpu for tensorflow v1 now recognized correctly.
  • Neural Magic dependencies upgrade to intended bug versions instead of minor versions.

Known Issues:

  • Movement pruning is currently only working with FP16 training on GPUs, FP32 is diverging to NaN.

SparseML v0.3.1 Patch Release

14 May 00:01
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This is a patch release for 0.3.0 that contains the following changes:

  • DeepSparse APIs now properly referencing VNNI check
  • Block sparse masks now applied for pruning modifiers
  • Some tests marked as flaky to make tests more consistent
  • Docs updated for new Discourse and Slack links
  • Modifier code refactored to better support Automatic Mixed Precision Training (AMP) in PyTorch
  • Emulated_step added to manager for inconsistent steps_per_epoch in PyTorch
  • Serialization of block sparse-enabled pruning modifiers no longer fail on reload

SparseML v0.3.0

30 Apr 23:52
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New Features:

  • YOLO integration with Ultralytics deployed including DeepSparse examples for benchmarking and running detection over videos.
  • Framework and Sparsification Info APIs now available for all supported ML frameworks.
  • Properties added to the ScheduledManager class to allow for lookup of contained modifiers such as pruning and quantization.
  • ALL_PRUNABLE token added for pruning modifiers.
  • PyTorch global magnitude pruning support implemented.
  • QAT support added for BERT.


  • Version changed to be loaded from file, default build on branches is now nightly.
  • Additional unit tests added in for Keras integration.
  • PyTorch max supported version updated to 1.7.
  • Improved performance for parsing and fixing QAT ONNX graphs from PyTorch.

Resolved Issues:

  • Docs typos and broken links addressed.
  • Pickling models with PyTorch pruning hooks work as expected.
  • Incorrect loss scaling for DDP in PyTorch script addressed.

Known Issues:

  • None

SparseML v0.2.0

31 Mar 23:11
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New Features:

  • Keras sparsification beta supporting pruning and examples with Keras Applications available.
  • Training and sparsification integrated with the rwightman/pytorch-image-models repository.
  • Training, sparsification, and deployment integrated with the ultralytics/yolov5 repository.
  • Integrations with the SparseZoo to run PyTorch and Keras code implemented with recipes directly from the zoo.
  • PyTorch sparse-quantized transfer learning notebook available.
  • Keras pruned ResNet models implemented.
  • Groups of modifiers enabled in SparseML recipes.


  • Examples directory renamed to integrations.

Resolved Issues:

  • GroupedPruningMaskCreator now able to save to PyTorch state dicts.
  • Quantization-aware training compatibility issues addressed with PyTorch.
  • Docs and readme corrections made for minor issues and broken links.
  • Makefile no longer deletes files for docs compilation and cleaning.

Known Issues:

  • None

SparseML v0.1.1 Patch Release

01 Mar 19:56
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This is a patch release for 0.1.0 that contains the following changes:

  • Docs updates: tagline, overview, update to use sparsification for verbiage, fix broken links for recipes
  • Flaky decorator added to some sparsity tests so if they fail due to random chance will immediately retest
  • Modifier groups enabled for recipes
  • DeepSparse nightly build dependencies now match on major.minor and not full version
  • Serialization support for MaskedLayer in Keras added
  • Support implemented for loading recipes from SparseZoo to common scripts and APIs
  • Examples directory renamed to integrations to clarify function
  • Rwightman integration added
  • Ultralytics integration added
  • PyTorch sparse-quantized transfer learning notebook added

SparseML v0.1.0 First GitHub Release

04 Feb 21:22
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Welcome to our initial release on GitHub! Older release notes can be found here.

New Features:

  • Keras Alpha for optimizing models using pruning added.
  • PyTorch 1.7 is supported.
  • PyTorch distributed supported for built-in training flows.
  • Torchvision models added to PyTorch ModelRegistry class.
  • MakeFile flows and utilities implemented for GitHub repo structure.


  • Software packaging updated to reflect new GitHub distribution channel, from file naming conventions to license enforcement removal.
  • Migration made to use the SparseZoo package for loading pre-trained models and recipes.
  • Migration made to use DeepSparse Engine for analyzing and benchmarking ONNX models.
  • ONNX and ONNXRuntime dependency versions updated to include latest.

Resolved Issues:

  • Infinite recursion resolved for the PyTorch ScheduledOptimizer in nested optimizer flows.
  • tf2onnx folding nodes now working with Sparsify.

Known Issues:

  • TensorFlow pre-trained models are not pushed currently in the SparseZoo and will fail to load.
  • TensorFlow V1 is no longer being built for newer operating systems such as Ubuntu 20.04. Therefore, SparseML with TensorFlow V1 is unsupported on these operating systems as well.