Install programmes used in the pipeline:
FastTree : (optinal) much faster than RaXML and produce similar result in these dataset
DIAMOND : protein aligner used by OrthoFInder
Gephi : network visualisation
hydra2.0_genemodels.aa : protein model from hydra genome 2.0 project
Optimise the memory and cpu usage base on your working condition.
Trinity --seqType fq --max_memory 120G --CPU 18 --output <species>_trinity_out_dir --left <species>_reads_1.fq.gz --right <species>_reads_2.fq.gz
Rename the Trinity.fasta
after Trinity finished
cd <species>_trinity_out_dir
mv Trinity.fa <species>_Trinity.fa
cd-hit-est -o <species>_Trinity_cdhit.fasta -c 0.98 -i <species>_Trinity.fasta -p 1 -d 0 -b 3 -T 10
# prepare a directory for species peptide sequences
mkdir all_pep
# run transdecoder on each species
cd <path>/<species>_trinity_out_dir>
TransDecoder.LongOrfs -t <species>_Trinity_cdhit.fasta
TransDecoder.Predict -t <species>_Trinity_cdhit.fasta
# rename the peptide files and gather them to one place
mv longest_orfs.pep <species>.pep
mv <species>.pep all_pep
cd all_pep
# blast the species pep against reference amino acid seq
blastp -query <species>.pep -db /proj/Simakov/HYDRA/hydra2.0_genemodels.aa -outfmt 6 -evalue 1e-6 -num_threads 10 -out <species>.blastp
# generate mbh for each species
perl <species>.blastp > <species>.mbh
# combine all mbh into one file
perl <species1>.mbh <species2>.mbh <species3>.mbh <...> > all.mbh.clus
# align using MUSCLE and curate alignment using gblocks (using perl wrapper scripts)
perl aln-gb > concat.aln
# build tree using RaXML
raxmlHPC -m GTRGAMMA -s concat.aln -n concat.aln.tree -# 1000
# (or) build tree using FastTree
FastTree concat.aln > concat.aln.tree
# estimate Divergence Time by r8s
# convert .newick to .nexus from RaXML/FastTree (we use figtree: Save Trees > 'Nexus')
# add r8s block to nexus arccording to
# divtime method=lf; fixage taxon=bil age=550;
r8s -f
mkdir <path>/hydra_orthofinder
mv <hvir>.fa hydra2.0_genemodels.aa <path>/hydra_orthofinder
orthofinder -a 8 -f <path>/hydra_orthofinder -S diamond
# run DNApipeTE using either left/right read.fa.gz or combined read.fa.gz
python3 -input <species>_reads_combine.fq.gz -output <species>_dnapipete_output -sample_size 1000000 -sample_number 2 -cpu 20
# parse the output file from DNApipeTE (for class and family count)
cd <species>_dnapipete_output
perl reads_per_component_and_annotation > <species>_families.sum >& <species>_classes.sum
# after DNApipeTE, rename line.fa for each species
cd <species>_dnapipete_output/Annotation
# add species name to fasta header
awk -v species=<species> '$1~/^>/ {n=gsub(/>/,">"species,$1);print n}{print}' LINE_annoted.fasta > <species>.line.fa
# also parse the name in reads_per_component_and_annotation
cd ../
awk -v species=<species> 'BEGIN{FS=" "}{gsub(/^/,species"_",$3);print}' > <species>_reads_per_component_and_annotation
cd ../
find . -name *reads_per_component_and_annotation -exec 'cat {} > all_reads_per_component_and_annotation' \;
# merge all line from all species
find . -name '*line.fa' -exec 'cat {} > hydra_line.fa' \;
# all-to-all blastn
blastn -subject hydra_line.fa -query hydra_line.fa -out hydra_a2a -outfmt 6
# parse blast output (outfmt=6) to edge.csv
python3 hydra_a2a > line_edge_weight.tsv
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS=",";print "Source,Target,Mutation,Type,Weight"} {m=1/$3;print $1,$2,m,"unidirected",$3}' line_edge_weight.tsv > line_edges.csv
# parse reads_per_component_and_annotation to node.csv
awk 'BEGIN{FS=" ";OFS=",";print "ID,N"} print{$3,$1}' all_reads_per_component_and_annotation > all_node.csv
# extract LINE id
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1];next} $1 in a{print}' line_edge_weight.tsv all_node.csv > line_node.csv
# import line_node.csv and line_edge.csv to gephi for network visualisation
# continues from TE annotation using DNApipeTE
# extract CR1 and L2 id
awk '$6~/CR1|L2/ {print $3}' reads_per_component_and_annotation > <species>
# extract sequence
cd Annotation
seqkit grep -f <species> LINE_annoted.fasta > <species>_CR1L2.fa
# apply LINE element analysis on CR1/L2 subset
# TE bar plot, continue from TE annotation using DNApipeTE
cp <species>_classes.sum r_plots
# plot using line_expansion_bar_flip.R
# TE familes plot, continue from TE annotation using DNApipeTE
cp <species>_families.sum r_plots
# plot using families_plot.R
# ortholog plot, continue from Orthofinder analysis
cp <path>/hydra_orthofinder/Statistics_PerSpecies_perc.csv r_plots
# plot using orthofinder_plot.R