C++ Craft Oct 13 education channel main repo.
Dear Students, Please fork this git repo and clone it to your computer. Please create you own directory (/solutions/<USER_NAME>) at 'solutions' folder. For example: '/solutions/ivan_sidarau'. Please add file readme.txt (/solutions/<USER_NAME>/readme.txt) with next information:
- 1st line: Name Surname (Ivan Sidarau).
- 2nd line: E-mail (ivan.sidarau@gmail.com), it's better to use gmail.com for e-mailing. Otherwise you should be pretty sure in next: if you write yandex.ru, you will use yandex.ru (not yandex.by).
- 3rd line: Skype account name (ivan_sidarau).
After creating your folder and adding this file, please push changes to github and create pull request to main repo. Also please connect with ivan_sidarau at skype, and I will add you to The Student Skype Group.