Uniclub is a fully functional e-commerce website,
The live version of the project can be accessed at https://uniclubonline.store .
- Node.js and Express.js for the backend
- MongoDB for the database
- Handlebars.js, CSS, and Bootstrap 4 for the frontend
- JavaScript ES6 for programming
- Axios for handling HTTP requests
- JQuery for DOM manipulation
- Cropper.js, DataTables, Toastify.js, Twilio, Cloudinary, Razorpay, and PayPal integrations through npm libraries
- Designed the website layout and user interface using Figma
Designed and developed a fully functional e-commerce website featuring multiple pages and functionality including,
- signup and login with validation
- login and forgot password with OTP
- profile management
- Address Management (CRUD)
- profile Picture change with image cropping
- wallet
- product single page with image zooming ( for image zooming I used elevate-zoom JQuery lib )
- Category Managed, products can be listed as per the category.
- Filters :
- price filter with a slider range
- price Sorting ( High to Low && Low to High )
- Search ( search is done by the regular expression mongoDB )
- search with category
- search with price
- search with model
- search with brand
- order View where we can cancel and return order. We can return order only after the order is delivered.
- wishlist
- cart
- Stock Management with validation for OUT OF STOCK.
- checkout
- Coupons can be used to get Discounts.
- Razorpay
- Paypal
- Admin signin with Validation
- Chart and Graph Management
- Fully functional Dashboard
- Sales Report, In sales report we can download the report as per the the user need. we can download the report as pdf, excel, csv, and more..
- Total users, Total Outcome in a month, Total orders placed in the recent month in the Admin Dashboard.
- User Management (CRUD)
- Product Management (CRUD) ,Product images can be cropped before adding the product. ( cropper.js npm library used ).
- Stock Management
- Category Management with validation
- Order Management
- Banner Management
- Hosted the e-commerce website on an AWS instance using Nginx with PM2 to ensure optimal performance and reliability.
A live video of the UNICLUB web Application working -visit my LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/nijas-khan-073712230/