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Can features based on the network structure around a particular cryptocurrency beforeit trades, predict the severity and magnitude of the subsequent bubble?

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Can features based on the network structure around a particular cryptocurrency beforeit trades, predict the severity and magnitude of the subsequent bubbles?

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Data Description:

  1. Forum data: The processed forum data can be found here. There are 5 files which indicate how the mentioned coins in the last two columns of the files were decided. For example, 'unmodified-symbol-or-name-in-subject-with-ANN----unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject-with-ANN-sorted-by-time' indicates that the last field contains the list of coins whose name and symbol were mentioned only in the subject; the second to last field in contrast contains the list of coins whose name or symbol were mentioned in the subject. In both cases, the post must have been tagged as announcment for the coin mentions to be counted. Download these files and put them in a directory named 'forum-data' under the top-level repo directory.
  2. Coins info with their earliest trade date:
  3. Verified announcements: A list of 379 coin announcments that were manually verified either through candidates or by search over the forum.
  4. mapofcoins announcements: A list of 593 coin announcement that were fetched from mapofcoins page. These are less reliable than verified announcements above, but nevertheless better than our candidates. Not all of these coins actually match the list of our coins in item 2 above.

Extract Introducer Candidates:

The current candidates are in data/introducers/ in five different directories depending on how the coin mentions are detected:

  1. unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject
  2. unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject-content
  3. unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject-with-ANN
  4. unmodified-symbol-or-name-in-subject
  5. unmodified-symbol-or-name-in-subject-with-ANN

The verified announcements are extracted from these candidates. We manually checked these candidates and used the one that was the best as the first announcement of the coin. If the forum-data changes or new coins are added to our list, you can regenerate the new set of candidates:

  1. Update the top level directory in first line of forums/commands/
  2. Run ./forums/commands/

The new set of candidates will be written in data/introducers/unlimited directory. There will be a file containing introducing user info and another file containing the announcment URL per coin. You can compare them with current set of candidates in data/verified_announcements.csv which contains the list of 336 announcments we verified from the candidates.

Extract Verified Introducer Info:

Note that we have two sets of verified announcements: mapofcoin announcements and manually verified announcements from candidates. Once we have the verified announcment (and mapofcoins announcement) URLs we need to find the corresponding post and the announcer in the forums:

  1. User info corresponding to verified announcers:
./forums/analysis/         ./forum-data/unmodified-symbol-or-name-in-subject----unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject-sorted-by-time.csv   ./data/coins-with-earliest-trade-date.csv ./data/verified_announcements.csv ./verified_output_dir
  1. User info corresponding to mapofcoins announcers:
./forums/analysis/ ./forum-data/unmodified-symbol-or-name-in-subject----unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject-sorted-by-time.csv ./data/coins-with-earliest-trade-date.csv ./data/ann_mapofcoins.csv ./mapofcoins_output_dir

There will be several output files in each output dir, but the main output file will be coin_announcement.csv which contains the user information corresponding to announcers listed in the input file. The format of this file is exactly the same as output from forums/commands/ in previous step.

Join all introducer sources:

So far, we have three data sources containing the information about coin introducers, in the decreasing accuracy order:

  1. Manually verified introducers: This will be the verified_output_dir/coin_announcement.csv output file from first command in the previous step. Current version of verified introducers info is here.

  2. Mapofcoin introducers: This will be the mapofcoins_output_dir/coin_announcement.csv output file from first command in the previous step. This file contains the user and post info of the announcement URL. Current version of mapofcoins introducers info is here.

  3. Unverified introducer candidates: These are contained in the output files from command above. There will be several candidate sets using differene searching criteria. The three more accurate ones are: unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject-with-ANN/unmodified_coin_first_thread_post_introducers.csv, unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject/unmodified_coin_first_thread_post_introducers.csv and unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject-content/unmodified_coin_first_thread_post_introducers.csv.

We need to join these different sources of introducers into a single file, which we can later use as the input for computing network metrics of all coin introducers. We can do this using The script takes multiple introducer sources, and you should provide the input sources in the decreasing accuracy order. All the introducers in the first file will be included in the output, the second input source will be as a fallback for coins whose introducers was not included in the first file. The third will be as a fallback for the first and second and so on...

./forums/analysis/ ./verified_output_dir/coin_announcement.csv ./mapofcoins_output_dir/coin_announcement.csv ./data/introducers/unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject-with-ANN/unmodified_coin_first_thread_post_introducers.csv ./data/introducers/unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject/unmodified_coin_first_thread_post_introducers.csv ./data/introducers/unmodified-symbol-and-name-in-subject-content/unmodified_coin_first_thread_post_introducers.csv ./data/introducers/unmodified-symbol-or-name-in-subject-with-ANN/unmodified_coin_first_thread_post_introducers.csv ./data/introducers/unmodified-symbol-or-name-in-subject/unmodified_coin_first_thread_post_introducers.csv ./data/introducers/all_introducers.csv

The output will be ./data/introducers/all_introducers.csv. The current output of this step is all_introducers_concat.csv. It contains introducer post info of 659 coins.

Generate discussion networks:

In this step, we will generate the directed discussion networks in the forum for each day since the start of the forums. We will need the processed forum data listed in the data description section above as the input. The output will be be a directory which contains an igraph network in pickle format for each day since 2009-11.

mkdir networks

The bash script requires an input directory named 'forum-data' under the top-level repo directory containing the processed forum data. The output will be in networks/directed_unlimited directory.

Compute introducer metrics:

Now that we have both the daily discussion networks and the introducers per coin, we can compute the introducers' network metrics in their respective network (i.e. each introducer metrics need to be computed in the network corresponding to the date of its first trade).

If you want to include general network metrics (irrespective of the introducer) such as density, average path length, clustering coefficient and average degree):

./forums/analysis/ -dn -n $NUM_PROCESSORS -u ./data/introducers/all_introducers.csv ./networks/directed_unlimited/ ./data/introducers/all_introducers_metrics.csv

The command above assumes you have already generated the networks, joined the introducers and placed them in directories/files mentioned in previous two steps. Furthermore, this command will take a long time to finish, so it uses multiple processors. You should set NUM_PROCESSORS accordingly and keep in mind that even if you don't exceeed the number of cores in your machine, you could exceed the total RAM available (In such case, you might need to settle for smaller number of cores). Based on our previous experience, this command could take up to two days in AWS 36 core machines. The output of the command, ./data/introducers/all_introducers_metrics.csv, will be a csv with a line per each coin/introducer containing the introducer network metrics. The current output of this step is all_introducer_metrics.csv

If you don't want to include general network metrics in the output:

./forums/analysis/ -sg -dn -n $NUM_PROCESSORS -u ./data/introducers/all_introducers.csv ./networks/directed_unlimited/ ./data/introducers/all_introducers_metrics.csv

Compute coin metrics:

In this step, we compute the price (bubble severity) and volume (bubble magnitude) variation per each coin.

python otto\ scripts/

The script will take few minutes to finish as it will need to crawl coinmarketcap website for each coin price and volume history. It will generate two csv outputs, fullusd.csv and fullbtc.csv, containing the coin metrics per line in USD and BTC. The current outputs of this step are coin_measures_btc.csv and coin_measures_usd.csv.

Join coin and introducer metrics:

Now that we have our introducer metrics (derived from forums) and coin metrics (derived from their prices on coinmarketcap), we can join them into a single file ready for our statistical analysis. This step uses the output from previous two steps:

./analysis/ ./data/coin_measures_btc.csv ./data/introducers/all_introducer_metrics.csv ./joined_metrics_btc.csv
./analysis/ ./data/coin_measures_usd.csv ./data/introducers/all_introducer_metrics.csv ./joined_metrics_usd.csv

The first command uses the BTC coin metrics in the joined output (joined_metrics_btc.csv). The current output of this command is joined_price_network_btc.csv. The second command uses the USD coin metrics in the joined output (*joined_metrics_usd.csv). The current output of this command is joined_price_network_usd.csv.

The statistical analysis and prediction power:

TODO: explain analysis/models.R


Can features based on the network structure around a particular cryptocurrency beforeit trades, predict the severity and magnitude of the subsequent bubble?






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