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botaniko 1.0

is an IRC Bot "qui plante... ou pas" © niko - under the artistic license beta version.


  • multi channels
  • write easily your own plugins (see below and lib/botaniko/plugin/*.pm)
  • plugin twitter: management of a twitter account (retweet catched url and notice in irc its own timeline)
  • plugin url: keep trace of all URLs published on a channel by indexing them in ElasticSearch.


Quick Start

Make sure ElasticSearch is started (or add -nodb)

#show available options
bin/botaniko -help

#first start
bin/botaniko -dbinit -c=mychannel -s=myircserver -n=mybotnick -pass=mypassphrase

#usual start

Core Commands

Note that all commands have to be sent to the bot, either via publics or privates messages.


  • help [command]: get some help on a command
  • mute: turn off all outputs
  • unmute: turn on all outputs
  • uptime
  • version
  • search query [from=0] [count=5] [type=tweet|url|...]: search in the DB


These commands require an admin access, granted by sending your passphrase to your bot: /msg mybot mypassphrase.

  • join #mychan: join a channel
  • leave #mychan: leave a channel
  • load plugin: load a plugin
  • unload plugin: unload a plugin
  • reload plugin: reload a plugin
  • plugins: list loaded plugins
  • set key [[=] value]: get or set a configuration variable
  • quit


The first time you’ll launch your bot, it’ll create a botaniko.yml file in the current directory. You can then use this file to configure it, but you’ll have to restart your bot for the changes to take effect. You may prefer to use the set command to set some variables without restarting the bot.



Load the plugin with load ephemeride. You can now get some info on the current day like in an almanac, or optionally for a date given as an argument.


By default, the plugin will use the latitude and longitude of Paris, France. You change this:

set plugins.ephemeride.latitude = 48.86
set plugins.ephemeride.longitude = 2.33


ephemeride [yyy-mm-dd]


Load the plugin with load say. It let you make your bot say something on any channel (you need to be admin).


say <channel> <the message>


Load the plugin with load scraper. It allows you and others to capture some text from a Web page with a regex.


By default, the bot will prefix all matches with => . You can change this with:

set plugins.scraper.prefix = *


  • scrap name url rule: Create or update a scrape. name is its name, url is the page URL, and rule is a regular expression. For example, here is a quick rule to get the number of articles in the English version of Wikipedia:

      scrap wk Content pages.*?>([^<]+)</td

    This register the scrap as wk.

  • scrap name. Execute a scrap (e.g. scrap wk). The bot will print all matches (there’s only one in the example above).

  • scrap -name. Delete the scrap known as name.

  • scrap. List all recorded scraps.


Load the plugin with load twitter.


This plugin needs to be configured before usage. Don’t worry, it’s easy and you’ll have to do that only once. First, make sure you have a Twitter account for your bot (you may want to create a dedicated one). Then, you’ll have to create an app. Go here, login with your bot’s account, fill the required fields, and submit the form. Then, go to the “Settings” tab and under “Application Type” check “Read and Write”. Go back to the “Details” tab, and click on “Create my access token” at the bottom. All you have to do now is to copy the tokens in your bot config:

set                = your_bot_account_name
set plugins.twitter.consumer_key        = your_consumer_key
set plugins.twitter.consumer_secret     = your_consumer_secret
set plugins.twitter.access_token        = your_access_token
set plugins.twitter.access_token_secret = your_access_token_secret

All the tweets from users you follow will be notified in all irc channels by default. to disable the output in a specific channel:

set channels.mychan.plugins.twitter.echo = 0


  • [un]follow some_user: (un)follow an user (requires admin access)
  • follower [regex]: list the followers of your bot, optionally filtered by a regex. filter.
  • following [regex]: list the accounts your bot is following, optionally filtered by a regex.
  • dm user message: send a direct message.


Load the plugin with load url. This plugin doesn’t provide any additional command. It watches for URLs mentionned in a chan, on Twitter or in an RSS feed, and store them in ElasticSearch. If someone mention an URL that has already been mentionned before, it warn the user, and print the delay between the last mention and now. It also tweets each URL on its Twitter account if plugins.url.tweet_url is set (default), and can optionally download and store images in a local directory. You can post an old link without being warned by using #oldlink in your message. You can also avoid the automatic tweet by using #notweet.


#to disable user url check in a specific chan:
set channels.mychan.plugins.url.test_url = 0
#to disable url publication on twitter in a specific chan:
set channels.mychan.plugins.url.tweet_url = 0
#if an url is an image, it can be stored with the option:
set channels.rtgi.plugins.url.store_image = /var/wwww/botaniko/images/
set channels.rtgi.plugins.url.chmod = 0666


Load the plugin with load wikipedia. It adds a wikipedia command that can be used to search for any subject on Wikipedia:

wikipedia something


#change the default language
set plugins.wikipedia.loc = en


Load the plugin with load meme. This plugin allows you to make an image with a top and/or a bottom text.


#setup the path to the font to use
set = /usr/share/fonts/TTF/DroidSans-Bold.ttf
#setup where computed images are stored
set = /var/www/meme/
#setup rights for computed images
set = 0666
#setup the "root" urls of computed images
set =
#setup default size
set = medium
#setup this if meme url must be twitted
set = 1


  • meme img=url text1[|text2] [size=small|medium|large|huge] [fontsize=size1[|size2]]: generate a meme and return its url


Load the plugin with load moc.


Load the plugin with load rss. It allows you to subscribe your bot to rss feeds. News are notified in all irc channels by default.


#disable rss notification in a specific channel
set channels.mychan.plugins.rss.echo = 0


  • rss add myfeed [user=name password=pwd]: subscribe to a rss feed
  • rss rm myfeed: unsubscribe
  • rss list: list all rss feeds
  • rss read myfeed [count=5]: read a rss feed

Writing a plugin

you can easily setup a default configuration, hook events, add commands, and delay/repeat code. your plugin must be a module under botaniko::plugin::. see lib/botaniko/plugin/*.pm to see samples.

to setup a default conf:

use botaniko::config;
#global config
cfg_default 'plugins.quiz' => {
	version => 1
	quiz    => [
		{ query=>'what is the answer?', answer=>42 }
#per channel config
chancfg_default 'plugins.quiz' => {
	enabled => 1

to read conf:

if( chancfg($chan,'plugins.quiz.enabled') ) {
	send_channel $chan=>'quiz v'.cfg('plugins.quiz.version')

to hook an event:

available event are (with given parameters):

  • CONNECT $cnx
  • MSG $msg,$user, $from, $chan
  • JOIN $chan
  • PART $chan
  • QUIT $chan
  • USERJOIN $user, $chan
  • USERPART $user, $chan, $msg
  • USERQUIT $user, $msg
  • NICKCHANGE $old, $new
  • TWEET $msg, $user


use botaniko::hook;
use botaniko::irc;
hook MSG => sub{
	my($msg,$user,$from,$chan) = @_;
	send_channel $chan => "$user: are you sure?";

to add a command:

package botaniko::plugin::calc;
use botaniko::command;
command calc => {
	help => 'evaluate a formula', #help for this command
	root => 0,                    #admin only ?
	bin  => sub{
		my $formula = join(' ',@_);
		$formula =~ s/[^\d\.\+\-\/\*\(\)]//g;
		my $e = eval { $formula };
		#you have to return an arrayref of strings
		#to send to the channel
		defined $e 
			? [ "result: $e" ]
			: [ pickone("unable to compute your stuff","check your syntax","what?!" ];

to async code:

use botaniko 'async';
use botaniko::irc;
	id       => 'helloworld',  #timer id
	cb       => sub{
		send_channel all=>"it's ".(scalar localtime)." !";
	delay    => 0,      #delay in second before starting
	interval => 3600,   #repeat interval in seconds,
	                    #set to undef to run one time only


an easy plugable irc bot






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