You can develop your Code with unittests on Linux. To make this happend I add some C++-Wrapper and Mocks for ESP Components. You can use the Mocks for the IDF Components to develop other Classes/Components.
I still work on this but only at late nigth.
Kevins Video to use Catch2 with ESP on nativ
Introduction to Google Test and CMake Video
Use the Template to start a ESP nativ Project. After the dev container is running you need to install gdb (apt install gdb)
Take a look at the "components/testClass" Folder to see how the tests and the Component need to use. The TestPrintClass use the IDF System Component to print the Hello World example from ESP. Take a look on the "app.cpp", there will the TestPrintClass will be used with the real IDF-Component
To Build the Tests on Linux there are a few Tasks:
- Setup Tests (nativ)
- Build Tests (nativ)
- Run Tests (nativ)
- Clean Tests (nativ)
To use the Mocks from "idf_cpp_wrapper" there will be set the Variable "RuntTests" in CMakeLists.txt.
ESP dont find test if i tryed. -> maybe in the future. i oldered a lot if i tryed to run the tests on the ESP
The Project looks like a normal ESP Hello World but there is the a additional "unit_tests"-Folder. Also in the componets folder "googletest" and idf_cpp_wrapper" is needed.
├── CMakeLists.txt ESP-IDF Project File
├── main
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── Component make file
│ └── app.cpp
├── Makefile Makefile used by legacy GNU Make
├── This is the file you are currently reading
├── unit_tests Folder with magic nativ unittest
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt Main CMake File for nativ Tests (incl. esp-idf function overload and Cmake magic)
│ └── testrunner.cpp Source file for GTest
└── components ESP-IDF Components Folder
To add test to a Componet just add a filder named "unit_tests" in root. The Test files need to name like "blabla.test.cpp" (the ending *.test.cpp will bee autodetected)
├── components Folder with magic nativ unittest
│ ├── testClass
│ │ ├── include
│ │ | ├── TestPrintClass.h Tested Class Header
│ │ | └── ITestPrinteres.h Interace for Tested Class
│ │ ├── unit_tests
│ │ | └── TestPrinterClass.test.cpp Tests for TestPrintClass
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt IDF like file (without tests in sourcelist/ use "RunTests" to define Mocks)
│ └── TestPrintClass.cpp Tested Class Sourcefile
i start to build a ESP-IDF C++ Wrapper with Interfaces. The Component is split in three Parts:
- Interaces
- ESP Target Code
- Mocks
The CMakeLists files build Mocks or target code by the "RunTests"-Flag.
For more info take a look in the "idf_cpp_wrapper"-Folder/CMakeLists.txt or ask me in an Issue.
If WSL/Docker cant find the USB Driver (on connect dont get message with USB Things with dmsg | grep usb) usbipd for windows:
In case that the USB Driver is Linked in Linux but there is no ttyUSB... Maybe the support for these chip is deactived in Kernel. -> You need to build a new WSL Kernel and update this. (No big deal)
Intellsins only work with running CMake Config and a proper C_CPP_CONFURATION.
I will add wrapped IDF Componentes if i need them. In the futur i want to use the KConfig Flags from " menuconfig" to build special wrapper too. (Maybee will never happen)
Feel free to add an Issue for needed Componet and/or implement them.