Releases: nofrixion/magento2-payment-module
This release implements full NoFrixion Pay by Bank integration into the magento checkout.
Card payments have not been implemented at this stage, but will be added in a future release. To process card payments, please continue to use v1.x.x
of the payment module which redirects users to the hosted payment page.
Fix bug where changing the payment method settings from Sandbox Mode
to Production Mode
was ignored.
Fixes for minor formatting issues with Payment Method 'help' tooltip. This release should be more responsive to different device types.
A known issue where PayPal buttons render over the tooltip was not fixed as this would involve applying styles to the PayPal modules which is not good practice. To resolve this issue, affected merchants can apply the following style to their Magento storefront theme via the Content -> Design -> Configuration
iframe {
z-index: 1 !important;
Fixed issue with order confirmation emails being sent for NoFrixion payments when 'Place Order' was clicked at checkout. Order confirmation emails are now sent when MoneyMoov API notifies magento of successful payment.
Added tooltip for NoFrixion 'pay by bank' payment method
- corrected issue where some orders were not being redirected to the checkout success page after payment.
v1.0.3: Added support for Banks, Card and Both
Added support for banks + Setting for banks/cards/both + Fixed order …
Added PISP payments (payments directly from bank account).
Bugfix when returning after payment
Initial release