Get a working oauth mock server for testing, with pre-configured clients to generate tokens
- Start a local oauth mock server
- Can utilize JWKS URIs for token validation
- Can generate tokens via Client Credentials and Password Grants
- Works with token-verify
We love vitest, but should work in any test-runner you like:
import LocalTokens from 'local-tokens'
import { JwtClient } from 'token-verify'
describe('My Program', () => {
it('can create token with pre-built password grant client', async () => {
const audience = 'apiAudience'
const server = new LocalTokenServer({ audience, secret: 'not-really-a-secret' })
// start the server, to resolve URLs
const { openidUri, tokenHost, jwksUri } = await server.start(3000, 'localhost')
// openidUri - tokenHost/.well-known/openid-configuration
// jwksUri - tokenHost/jwks
// tokenHost - http://localhost:3000
// ok now get a client and try it out
// - ClientCredentials client also available
const { ResourceOwnerPassword } = server.buildClients()
const res = await ResourceOwnerPassword.getToken({
// any username and password are accepted
username: 'foo',
password: 'bar',
// scopes are respected unless hooks have modified
scope: 'openid offline_access profile email address phone',
const token = res.token.access_token
// verify token and get payload
const verify = new JwtClient({ audience, jwksUri, issuer: [tokenHost] })
const payload = await verify.verifyAndDecode(token)
console.log('payload', payload)
// success
await server.stop()
Hooks are how to modify the server behaviour when creating tokens, validating requests and more!
- For now, checkout ./test/hooks.test.ts for usages
Local Tokens server utilizes the well-known debug package, so debugging scopes is similar to expressjs
DEBUG=local-tokens:* npm run test
Command | Purpoose |
make install or brew bundle |
install system dependencies |
npm run test |
execute vitest |
npm run build or make build |
build for any nodejs platform |