This the Ocom Vue Test
- Clone this repository
- Download the json-server from here or
- Place the executable in this directory and then run
./json-server start -a
This will start up a Test Server you can use as your API Server. This will have the following routes:
- GET /library - Get all Libraries
- GET /library/:id - Get A Library by ID
- POST /library - Create a new Library - will create an new ID
- PUT /library/:id - Update the Library with the :id specified
- PATCH /library/:id - Update some fields in the Library by the :id
- DELETE /library/:id - Delete the Library
- GET /project - Get all Projects
- GET /project/:id - Get A project by ID
- POST /project - Create a new project - will create an new ID
- PUT /project/:id - Update the project with the :id specified
- PATCH /project/:id - Update some fields in the project by the :id
- DELETE /project/:id - Delete the project
There are sample curl lines to TEST the api server and show how it works.
I need a Vue 2 App using vue-cli that has the following screens
Once you create the blank app - please commit that. Then commit the final project later on.
A table of all the Projects.
Columns should be
- Name - When they click the Name it will edit the Project
- Client Name
- Production URL
- Test URL
- Git URL
When the User clicks the Project Name they can edit the Project
The form will have the following fields
- Name
- Client Name
- Description
- Git URL
- Test URL
- Production URL
- Table of Libraries - This table will have two columns
- Library - Select from the Library list
- Version - A Text Input to enter the Version text.
- Active Start Date
- Active End Date
The user can add multiple lines to the Table Of Libraries They can select only the Active Library entries. The Library entries are active if the active_end_date is null OR the date (when parsed) is after the current date AND the active_start_date is BEFORE the current date.
From the list of Projects they can press a button to create a new Project Item
The form will have the following fields (the same above)
- Name
- Client Name
- Description
- Git URL
- Test URL
- Production URL
- Table of Libraries - This table will have two columns
- Library - Select from the Library list
- Version - A Text Input to enter the Version text.
- Active Start Date - Default to Todays date.
- Active End Date
The "rest server" will add a new ID for you which is a random number.
The user needs to be able to Create a New Project Item, and return the list of Projects with the new Project included in the results.
When completing this task we expect to see the following
- You use Bootstrap CSS
- Use Vue2
- Use VueX
- No Authentication is required as the test server doesn't support it :)
- We are to see how you would code this. We know it's not perfect and feature complete.
Please add a file to the Project that has the following
- Installation/Running Instructions (don't include running the json-server as above) so we can run git clone and follow the instructions to get the vue server running.
- Tell us what you would do different if you had more time
- Tell us what features you would add if you had more time
Good Luck and Have Fun!!!