This application creates a Flare Build project from a number of Flare projets by copying and fetching all necessary files.
- Installation process: Not necessary.
- Software dependencies: If you want to create output you need a flare compiler istalled. madbuild.exe must be defined in your PATH variable
- Latest releases: Not defined.
- API references: Not defined.
Command Line arguments: 1: Build type (currently V4Help/GLHelp) 2: Path where the source projects are (and where the build project will be merged to) 3: Language. Possible values: 00 01 02 03 ... 17 is only available for GLHelp 4: The Flare project where the master target and toc file are located, e.g. Main 5: Shut the Console window when done. Possible values: -quit -wait
TODO: Explain how other users and developers can contribute to make your code better.
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