Okv Photogram is an advanced web application that emulates the core functionalities of Instagram. Developed using React.js and Firebase v9 (BaaS), it offers users a platform to share their moments, engage with others’ content through likes and comments, and explore profiles within the community.
- Secure authentication via email-password and Facebook login
- Email verification for account security
- User-friendly interface for posting images with captions
- Interactive features to like, comment, and share posts
- Multi-page layout including home and explore pages
- Responsive design for optimal user experience across devices
- Capability to follow and unfollow users
- Personalized user profile pages
- User search functionality by username
- Suggestions list showcasing random users
- Infinite scrolling for seamless content discovery
- Password reset functionality for account recovery
Display of followers and following lists Additional features to enhance user interaction
The project has transitioned from Create React App (CRA) to a Vite + React application for improved performance and development experience.
- React.js
- CSS3
- Firebase v9
- React Router DOM
- React Loading Skeleton
- React Icons
To initiate the project on your local system, begin by establishing a new Firebase project and add configure varibales in accordance with the provided .env sample. Make certain that Node.js and Git are installed on your device. Proceed with the following instructions:
- Clone the repository.
- Install dependencies with npm install.
- Start the development server with npm run dev.
- Access the application at http://localhost:5173.
We welcome your feedback and contributions to the project. Please feel free to star ⭐ the repository and create an issue for any queries or suggestions.