This is a Next.js boilerplate set up to make collaboration easy for developers.
- Latest version of Next.js
- React and React DOM
- TypeScript
- ESLint with Next.js and Wesbos configurations
- Prettier
- Jest testing library with @testing-library/react, @testing-library/jest-dom, and @testing-library/user-event
- Husky Git hooks for linting and formatting
To get started with this boilerplate, follow the steps below:
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Install the dependencies by running
yarn install
- Start the development server by running
yarn dev
yarn dev
: starts the development serveryarn build
: builds the application for productionyarn start
: starts the production serveryarn lint
: runs ESLintyarn lint:fix
: runs ESLint and automatically fixes fixable errorsyarn format
: formats files using Prettieryarn format:check
: checks if files are correctly formatted using Prettieryarn test
: runs Jest testsyarn test:ci
: runs Jest tests in CI modeyarn prepare
: installs Husky Git hooks
This boilerplate includes the following dependencies:
- Next.js (latest)
- React (^18.2.0)
- React DOM (^18.2.0)
This boilerplate includes the following dev dependencies:
- @testing-library/jest-dom (5.16.4)
- @testing-library/react (14.0.0)
- @testing-library/user-event (14.4.3)
- @types/react (18.0.28)
- @types/testing-library__jest-dom (5.14.5)
- eslint (^8.0.0)
- eslint-config-next (^13.2.4)
- eslint-config-wesbos (3.2.3)
- eslint-plugin-testing-library (^5.10.2)
- husky (^8.0.0)
- jest (29.5.0)
- jest-environment-jsdom (29.5.0)
- prettier (^2.7.1)
- TypeScript (^4.8.4)
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.