Run VMware vRO workflow from ansible playbook. A custom Ansible module run_vro_wf is provided in library folder.
Module Inputs:
- vro_server: vRealize Orchestrator IP or FQDN & Port 8281 or 443 if embeded in vRA
- username: vRealize Orchestrator user name
- password: vRealize Orchestrator password
- workflow_id: Id of the workflow to run. Must be copy form vRO.
input_values: All workflow input values in YAML object format:
Input1_name: value
Input2_name: value
- Array_value1
- Array_value2
- Array_value3
Inputs must much vRO workflow inputs
Remark: For Annsible --check flag functionality to work a test input in vRO workflow is mandatory but is hidden from ansible perspective and must be omitted in input_valuse section of the playbook. This value is used when ansible-playbook is run with --check flag. Test implementation is dependent on vRO WF functionality.